Type value assignment

Type Assigned value (decimal) Assigned value (hexadecimal)
Packet types
Interest 5 0x05
Data 6 0x06
Common fields
Name 7 0x07
NameComponent 8 0x08
Interest packet
Selectors 9 0x09
Nonce 10 0x0a
Scope 11 0x0b
InterestLifetime 12 0x0c
MinSuffixComponents 13 0x0d
MaxSuffixComponents 14 0x0e
PublisherPublicKeyLocator 15 0x0f
Exclude 16 0x10
ChildSelector 17 0x11
MustBeFresh 18 0x12
Any 19 0x13
Data packet
MetaInfo 20 0x14
Content 21 0x15
SignatureInfo 22 0x16
SignatureValue 23 0x17
ContentType 24 0x18
FreshnessPeriod 25 0x19
FinalBlockId 26 0x1a
SignatureType 27 0x1b
KeyLocator 28 0x1c
KeyDigest 29 0x1d

Type value reservations

Values Designation
0-4, 30-79 Reserved for future assignments (1-byte encoding)
80-100 Reserved for assignments related to local link data processing, e.g., NDNLP header, LocalControlHeader, etc. (1-byte encoding)
101-127 Reserved for assignments related to forwarding daemon (1-byte encoding)
128-252 For application use (1-byte encoding)
253-32767 Reserved for future assignments (3-byte encoding)
>32767 For application use (3+-byte encoding)