Todo List
Namespace nfd

#2542 plans to merge nfd-status with nfdc. FaceModule class should be changed as follows: (1) move into ndn::nfd::nfdc namespace (2) assuming command syntax is similar to Windows NT netsh , this class can handle command argument parsing as soon as 'face' sub-command is detected (3) introduce methods to create and destroy faces, and update face attributes

#3444 aims at improving output texts of nfdc. Assuming it's worked with or after #2542: (1) introduce an style parameter on formatItemText method to specify desired text style, such as human friendly style vs. porcelain style for script consumption (2) upon successful command execute, convert the command result into FaceStatus type, and use formatItemText to render the result, so that output from status retrieval and command execution have consistent styles }

Member nfd::fw::canForwardToLegacy (const pit::Entry &pitEntry, const Face &face)
find a better name for this function
Member nfd::fw::Strategy::lookupFib (const pit::Entry &pitEntry) const
Don't modify in-record Interests. Set SelectedDelegation in outgoing Interest pipeline.
Member nfd::Nfd::reloadConfigFile ()
Reopen log file
Member nfd::pit::Entry::getInterest () const
#3162 require Link field to match the representative Interest
Member nfd::pit::Pit::deleteInOutRecords (Entry *entry, const Face &face)
decide whether to delete PIT entry if there's no more in/out-record left
Member nfd::UdpChannel::listen (const FaceCreatedCallback &onFaceCreated, const FaceCreationFailedCallback &onReceiveFailed)
this functionality has to be implemented
Class nfd::UdpFactory
IPv6 multicast support not implemented
Member nfd::UdpFactory::createChannel (const udp::Endpoint &localEndpoint, const time::seconds &timeout=time::seconds(600))
this funcionality has to be implemented