Cnfd::measurements::AnyEntry | An EntryPredicate that accepts any entry |
Cnfd::name_tree::AnyEntry | An EntrySelector that accepts every Entry |
Cnfd::name_tree::AnyEntrySubTree | An EntrySubTreeSelector that accepts every Entry and its children |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::ItemAttributes::Attribute | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CommandDefinition | Defines a command |
Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactory::CreateFaceRequest | Encapsulates a face creation request and all its parameters |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
Cnfd::CommandAuthenticator | Provides ControlCommand authorization according to NFD's configuration file |
►Cnfd::face::Channel | Represents a channel that listens on a local endpoint |
Cnfd::face::EthernetChannel | Class implementing an Ethernet-based channel to create faces |
Cnfd::face::TcpChannel | Class implementing a TCP-based channel to create faces |
Cnfd::face::UdpChannel | Class implementing a UDP-based channel to create faces |
Cnfd::face::UnixStreamChannel | Class implementing a local channel to create faces |
Cnfd::face::WebSocketChannel | Class implementing a WebSocket-based channel to create faces |
Cnfd::face::Face | Generalization of a network interface |
Cnfd::rib::RibEntry | Represents a RIB entry, which contains one or more Routes with the same prefix |
Cnfd::cs::Entry | A ContentStore entry |
Cnfd::cs::priority_fifo::EntryInfo | |
Cnfd::measurements::EntryWithStrategyInfo< T > | An EntryPredicate that accepts an entry if it has StrategyInfo of type T |
►Cnfd::name_tree::EnumerationImpl | Enumeration operation implementation |
Cnfd::name_tree::FullEnumerationImpl | Full enumeration implementation |
Cnfd::name_tree::PartialEnumerationImpl | Partial enumeration implementation |
Cnfd::name_tree::PrefixMatchImpl | Partial enumeration implementation |
►Cboost::equality_comparable | |
Cnfd::Network | |
►Cnfd::face::NetworkPredicateBase | |
Cnfd::face::IpAddressPredicate | Represents a predicate to accept or reject an IP address |
Cnfd::face::NetworkInterfacePredicate | Represents a predicate to accept or reject a ndn::net::NetworkInterface |
Cnfd::rib::FibUpdate | Represents a FIB update |
Cnfd::rib::Route | Represents a route for a name prefix |
Cnfd::PrivilegeHelper::Error | Indicates a serious seteuid/setegid failure |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::logic_error | STL class |
►Cstd::invalid_argument | STL class |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CommandDefinition::Error | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CommandParser::NoSuchCommandError | |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
Cndn::autoconfig::DnsSrvError | |
Cndn::autoconfig::Stage::Error | |
►Cnfd::ConfigFile::Error | |
Cnfd::face::NetdevBound::RuleParseError | |
Cnfd::ManagerBase::Error | |
Cnfd::face::EthernetChannel::Error | EthernetChannel-related error |
Cnfd::face::EthernetTransport::Error | |
Cnfd::face::MulticastUdpTransport::Error | |
Cnfd::face::PcapHelper::Error | |
►Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactory::Error | Base class for all exceptions thrown by ProtocolFactory subclasses |
Cnfd::face::UdpFactory::Error | |
Cnfd::rib::FibUpdater::Error | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::ExecuteContext | Context for command execution |
Cnfd::face::FaceCounters | Gives access to the counters provided by Face |
Cnfd::FaceEndpoint | Represents a face-endpoint pair in the forwarder |
Cnfd::fw::asf::FaceInfo | Strategy information for each face in a namespace |
Cnfd::face::FaceLogHelper< T > | For internal use by FaceLogging macros |
Cnfd::face::FaceParams | Parameters used to set Transport properties or LinkService options on a newly created face |
Cnfd::fw::asf::FaceStats | Container for ranking-related values |
Cnfd::fw::asf::ProbingModule::FaceStatsProbingCompare | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::xml::Flag | Print true as an empty element and false as nothing |
►Cboost::forward_iterator_helper | |
Cnfd::name_tree::Iterator | NameTree iterator |
Cnfd::pit::Iterator | PIT iterator |
Cnfd::Forwarder | Main class of NFD's forwarding engine |
Cnfd::ForwarderCounters | Counters provided by Forwarder |
Cnfd::face::FaceSystem::GeneralConfig | Configuration options from general section |
Cnfd::face::GenericLinkServiceOptions | Options that control the behavior of GenericLinkService |
Cnfd::name_tree::GetTableEntry< ENTRY > | A functor to get a table entry from a name tree entry |
Cnfd::name_tree::Hashtable | A hashtable for fast exact name lookup |
Cnfd::name_tree::HashtableOptions | Provides options for Hashtable |
Cnfd::strategy_choice::StrategyChoice::InsertResult | |
►Cnfd::face::InternalTransportBase | Abstracts a transport that can be paired with another |
Cnfd::face::InternalClientTransport | Implements a client-side transport that can be paired with an InternalForwarderTransport |
Cnfd::face::InternalForwarderTransport | Implements a forwarder-side transport that can be paired with another transport |
►Cnfd::face::LinkServiceCounters | Counters provided by LinkService |
►Cnfd::face::GenericLinkServiceCounters | Counters provided by GenericLinkService |
Cnfd::face::GenericLinkService | GenericLinkService is a LinkService that implements the NDNLPv2 protocol |
►Cnfd::face::LinkService | The upper half of a Face |
Cnfd::face::GenericLinkService | GenericLinkService is a LinkService that implements the NDNLPv2 protocol |
Cnfd::face::NullLinkService | A LinkService that drops every packet |
Cnfd::face::LpFragmenter | Fragments network-layer packets into NDNLPv2 link-layer packets |
►Cstd::map< K, T > | STL class |
Cnfd::fw::StrategyParameters | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CommandArguments | Contains named command arguments |
►Cnfd::tools::nfdc::Module | Provides access to an NFD management module |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::ChannelModule | Provides access to NFD channel dataset |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CsModule | Provides access to NFD CS management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::FaceModule | Provides access to NFD face management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::FibModule | Provides access to NFD FIB management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::ForwarderGeneralModule | Provides access to NFD forwarder general status |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::RibModule | Provides access to NFD RIB management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::StrategyChoiceModule | Provides access to NFD Strategy Choice management |
Cnfd::face::Multicast | |
Cnfd::fib::NextHop | Represents a nexthop record in a FIB entry |
►Cboost::noncopyable | |
►Cndn::autoconfig::Stage | A discovery stage |
Cndn::autoconfig::GuessFromIdentityName | Guessing home router based on the default identity name |
Cndn::autoconfig::GuessFromSearchDomains | Guessing home router based on DNS query with default suffix |
Cndn::autoconfig::MulticastDiscovery | Multicast discovery stage |
Cndn::autoconfig::NdnFchDiscovery | Discover NDN hub using NDN-FCH protocol |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::ChannelModule | Provides access to NFD channel dataset |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CommandParser | Parses a command |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::CsModule | Provides access to NFD CS management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::FaceModule | Provides access to NFD face management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::FibModule | Provides access to NFD FIB management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::ForwarderGeneralModule | Provides access to NFD forwarder general status |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::RibModule | Provides access to NFD RIB management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::StatusReport | Collects and prints NFD status report |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::StrategyChoiceModule | Provides access to NFD Strategy Choice management |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::OnOff | Print boolean as 'on' or 'off' |
Cndn::autoconfig::Options | |
Cndn::autoconfig_server::Options | |
Cnfd::face::LpFragmenter::Options | Options that control the behavior of LpFragmenter |
Cnfd::face::LpReassembler::Options | Options that control the behavior of LpReassembler |
Cnfd::face::LpReliability::Options | |
Cnfd::fw::Strategy::ParsedInstanceName | |
Cnfd::PrivilegeHelper | |
Cnfd::fw::asf::ProbingModule | ASF Probing Module |
Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactoryCtorParams | Parameters to ProtocolFactory constructor |
Cnfd::rib::ReadvertiseAction | A decision made by readvertise policy |
Cnfd::fw::RetxSuppressionExponential | A retransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions using exponential backoff |
Cnfd::fw::RetxSuppressionFixed | A retransmission suppression decision algorithm that suppresses retransmissions within a fixed duration |
Cnfd::rib::RibRouteRef | References a route |
Cnfd::rib::RibUpdate | Represents a route that will be added to or removed from a namespace |
Cnfd::rib::RibUpdateBatch | Represents a collection of RibUpdates to be applied to a single FaceId |
►Cndn::nfd::RouteFlagsTraits | |
Cnfd::rib::Route | Represents a route for a name prefix |
►Cstd::set< K > | STL class |
Cnfd::NetworkRegionTable | Stores a collection of producer region names |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::Spaces | Print a number of whitespaces |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::StatusReportOptions | |
►Cnfd::fw::StrategyInfo | Contains arbitrary information placed by the forwarding strategy on table entries |
Cnfd::fw::SelfLearningStrategy::InRecordInfo | StrategyInfo on pit::InRecord |
Cnfd::fw::SelfLearningStrategy::OutRecordInfo | StrategyInfo on pit::OutRecord |
Cnfd::fw::asf::NamespaceInfo | Stores strategy information about each face in this namespace |
►Cnfd::StrategyInfoHost | Base class for an entity onto which StrategyInfo items may be placed |
Cnfd::measurements::Entry | Represents an entry in the Measurements table |
Cnfd::pit::Entry | Represents an entry in the Interest table (PIT) |
►Cnfd::pit::FaceRecord | Contains information about an Interest on an incoming or outgoing face |
Cnfd::pit::InRecord | Contains information about an Interest from an incoming face |
Cnfd::pit::OutRecord | Contains information about an Interest toward an outgoing face |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::xml::Text | |
►Cndn::Transport | |
Cnfd::face::InternalClientTransport | Implements a client-side transport that can be paired with an InternalForwarderTransport |
►Cnfd::face::TransportCounters | Counters provided by a transport |
►Cnfd::face::Transport | The lower half of a Face |
►Cnfd::face::DatagramTransport< boost::asio::ip::udp, Unicast > | |
Cnfd::face::UnicastUdpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a unicast UDP socket |
►Cnfd::face::DatagramTransport< boost::asio::ip::udp, Multicast > | |
Cnfd::face::MulticastUdpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a UDP multicast group |
►Cnfd::face::StreamTransport< boost::asio::ip::tcp > | |
Cnfd::face::TcpTransport | A Transport that communicates on a connected TCP socket |
►Cnfd::face::StreamTransport< boost::asio::local::stream_protocol > | |
Cnfd::face::UnixStreamTransport | A Transport that communicates on a stream-oriented Unix domain socket |
Cnfd::face::DatagramTransport< Protocol, Addressing > | Implements a Transport for datagram-based protocols |
►Cnfd::face::EthernetTransport | Base class for Ethernet-based Transports |
Cnfd::face::MulticastEthernetTransport | A multicast Transport that uses raw Ethernet II frames |
Cnfd::face::UnicastEthernetTransport | A unicast Transport that uses raw Ethernet II frames |
Cnfd::face::InternalForwarderTransport | Implements a forwarder-side transport that can be paired with another transport |
Cnfd::face::NullTransport | A Transport that drops every packet |
Cnfd::face::StreamTransport< Protocol > | Implements a Transport for stream-based protocols |
Cnfd::face::WebSocketTransport | A Transport that communicates on a WebSocket connection |
►Cnfd::face::WebSocketTransportCounters | Counters provided by WebSocketTransport |
Cnfd::face::WebSocketTransport | A Transport that communicates on a WebSocket connection |
Cnfd::face::Unicast | |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::YesNo | Print boolean as 'yes' or 'no' |
►Cnoncopyable | |
Cnfd::SizeCounter< nfd::face::LpReassembler > | |
Cndn::autoconfig::Procedure | |
Cndn::autoconfig_server::Program | |
Cnfd::CommandAuthenticator | Provides ControlCommand authorization according to NFD's configuration file |
Cnfd::ConfigFile | Configuration file parsing utility |
Cnfd::DeadNonceList | Represents the Dead Nonce List |
Cnfd::FaceTable | Container of all faces |
Cnfd::ForwarderStatusManager | Implements the Forwarder Status of NFD Management Protocol |
►Cnfd::ManagerBase | A collection of common functions shared by all NFD managers, such as communicating with the dispatcher and command validator |
Cnfd::CsManager | Implements the CS Management of NFD Management Protocol |
Cnfd::FaceManager | Implements the Face Management of NFD Management Protocol |
Cnfd::FibManager | Implements the FIB Management of NFD Management Protocol |
Cnfd::RibManager | Implements the RIB Management of NFD Management Protocol |
Cnfd::StrategyChoiceManager | Implements the Strategy Choice Management of NFD Management Protocol |
Cnfd::Nfd | Class representing the NFD instance |
►Cnfd::SimpleCounter | Represents a counter that encloses an integer value |
Cnfd::ByteCounter | Represents a counter of number of bytes |
Cnfd::PacketCounter | Represents a counter of number of packets |
Cnfd::SizeCounter< T > | Provides a counter that observes the size of a table |
Cnfd::TablesConfigSection | Handles the tables configuration file section |
Cnfd::cs::Cs | Implements the Content Store |
►Cnfd::cs::Policy | Represents a CS replacement policy |
Cnfd::cs::lru::LruPolicy | Least-Recently-Used (LRU) replacement policy |
Cnfd::cs::priority_fifo::PriorityFifoPolicy | Priority First-In-First-Out (FIFO) replacement policy |
Cnfd::face::Channel | Represents a channel that listens on a local endpoint |
Cnfd::face::Face | Generalization of a network interface |
Cnfd::face::FaceSystem | Entry point of NFD's face system |
Cnfd::face::FaceSystem::ConfigContext | Context for processing a config section in ProtocolFactory |
Cnfd::face::LinkService | The upper half of a Face |
Cnfd::face::LpReassembler | Reassembles fragmented network-layer packets |
Cnfd::face::LpReliability | Provides for reliable sending and receiving of link-layer packets |
Cnfd::face::NetdevBound | Manages netdev-bound faces |
Cnfd::face::PcapHelper | Helper class for dealing with libpcap handles |
►Cnfd::face::ProtocolFactory | Provides support for an underlying protocol |
Cnfd::face::EthernetFactory | Protocol factory for Ethernet |
Cnfd::face::TcpFactory | Protocol factory for TCP over IPv4 and IPv6 |
Cnfd::face::UdpFactory | Protocol factory for UDP over IPv4 and IPv6 |
Cnfd::face::UnixStreamFactory | Protocol factory for stream-oriented Unix sockets |
Cnfd::face::WebSocketFactory | Protocol factory for WebSocket |
Cnfd::face::Transport | The lower half of a Face |
Cnfd::fib::Entry | Represents an entry in the FIB |
Cnfd::fib::Fib | Represents the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) |
►Cnfd::fw::ProcessNackTraitsBase | Provides a common procedure for processing Nacks |
►Cnfd::fw::ProcessNackTraits< AsfStrategy > | |
Cnfd::fw::asf::AsfStrategy | Adaptive SRTT-based forwarding strategy |
►Cnfd::fw::ProcessNackTraits< RandomStrategy > | |
Cnfd::fw::RandomStrategy | A forwarding strategy that randomly chooses a nexthop |
►Cnfd::fw::ProcessNackTraits< BestRouteStrategy > | |
Cnfd::fw::BestRouteStrategy | "Best route" forwarding strategy |
Cnfd::fw::ProcessNackTraits< S > | |
►Cnfd::fw::Strategy | Base class of all forwarding strategies |
Cnfd::fw::AccessStrategy | A forwarding strategy for "access" routers |
Cnfd::fw::BestRouteStrategy | "Best route" forwarding strategy |
Cnfd::fw::MulticastStrategy | A forwarding strategy that forwards Interests to all FIB nexthops |
Cnfd::fw::RandomStrategy | A forwarding strategy that randomly chooses a nexthop |
Cnfd::fw::SelfLearningStrategy | Self-learning forwarding strategy |
Cnfd::fw::asf::AsfStrategy | Adaptive SRTT-based forwarding strategy |
►Cnfd::fw::UnsolicitedDataPolicy | Determines how to process an unsolicited Data packet |
Cnfd::fw::AdmitAllUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits all unsolicited Data |
Cnfd::fw::AdmitLocalUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits unsolicited Data from local faces |
Cnfd::fw::AdmitNetworkUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Admits unsolicited Data from non-local faces |
Cnfd::fw::DropAllUnsolicitedDataPolicy | Drops all unsolicited Data |
Cnfd::fw::asf::AsfMeasurements | Helper class to retrieve and create strategy measurements |
Cnfd::measurements::Entry | Represents an entry in the Measurements table |
Cnfd::measurements::Measurements | The Measurements table |
Cnfd::measurements::MeasurementsAccessor | Allows fw::Strategy to access the portion of Measurements table under its namespace |
Cnfd::name_tree::Entry | An entry in the name tree |
Cnfd::name_tree::NameTree | A common index structure for FIB, PIT, StrategyChoice, and Measurements |
Cnfd::name_tree::Node | A hashtable node |
Cnfd::pit::Entry | Represents an entry in the Interest table (PIT) |
Cnfd::pit::Pit | NFD's Interest Table |
Cnfd::rib::FibUpdater | Computes FibUpdates based on updates to the RIB and sends them to NFD |
Cnfd::rib::Readvertise | Readvertise a subset of routes to a destination according to a policy |
►Cnfd::rib::ReadvertiseDestination | A destination to readvertise into |
Cnfd::rib::NfdRibReadvertiseDestination | A readvertise destination using NFD RIB management protocol |
►Cnfd::rib::ReadvertisePolicy | A policy to decide whether to readvertise a route, and what prefix to readvertise |
Cnfd::rib::ClientToNlsrReadvertisePolicy | A policy to readvertise routes registered by end hosts into NLSR |
Cnfd::rib::HostToGatewayReadvertisePolicy | A policy to readvertise routes registered by local applications into remote gateway |
Cnfd::rib::ReadvertisedRoute | State of a readvertised route |
Cnfd::rib::Rib | Represents the Routing Information Base |
Cnfd::rib::Service | Initializes and executes the NFD-RIB service thread |
Cnfd::strategy_choice::Entry | Represents an entry in the Strategy Choice table |
Cnfd::strategy_choice::StrategyChoice | Represents the Strategy Choice table |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::FindFace | Procedure to find a face |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::ItemAttributes | Print attributes of an item |
Cnfd::tools::nfdc::text::Separator | Print different string on first and subsequent usage |
►CSimpleHTTPRequestHandler | |
Cnfd-status-http-server.NfdStatusHandler | |
►CThreadingHTTPServer | |
Cnfd-status-http-server.NfdStatusHttpServer | |