ndnsec-export [-h] [-o file] [-P passphrase] [-i|-k|-c] name
ndnsec-export exports a certificate from the Public Info Base (PIB) and its private key to a file. It will ask for a passphrase to encrypt the private key. The resulting file can be imported again using ndnsec-import.
- -i, --identity¶
Interpret name as an identity name. The default certificate of the identity will be exported. This is the default unless -k or -c is specified.
- -k, --key¶
Interpret name as a key name. The default certificate of the key will be exported.
- -c, --cert¶
Interpret name as a certificate name.
- -o <file>, --output <file>¶
Write to the specified output file instead of the standard output.
- -P <passphrase>, --password <passphrase>¶
Passphrase to use for the export. If empty or not specified, the user is interactively asked to type the passphrase on the terminal. Note that specifying the passphrase via this option is insecure, as it can potentially end up in the shell’s history, be visible in ps output, and so on.
Export an identity’s default certificate and private key into a file:
$ ndnsec-export -o alice.ndnkey /ndn/test/alice
Export a specific certificate and its private key to the standard output:
$ ndnsec-export -c /ndn/edu/ucla/alice/KEY/1%5D%A7g%90%B2%CF%AA/self/%FD%00%00%01r-%D3%DC%2A