

System configuration of NDN platform is specified in client.conf.

The configuration file client.conf is looked up in several directories in the following order:

  • $HOME/.ndn: user-specific settings

  • SYSCONFDIR/ndn: system-wide settings (where SYSCONFDIR can be /usr/local/etc, /opt/local/etc, or other, depending on how the library is configured)

  • /etc/ndn: default system-wide settings

Here is an example of client.conf for the current ndn-cxx package:

; "transport" specifies the default transport connection used by the client-side face to communicate
; with a (local or remote) NDN forwarder. The value must be a Face URI with a Unix or TCP scheme.
; For example:
;   unix:///tmp/nfd/nfd.sock
;   tcp://
;   tcp4://
;   tcp6://[2001:db8::1]:6363
; The default value of this field is platform-dependent, being "unix:///run/nfd/nfd.sock" on Linux
; and "unix:///var/run/nfd/nfd.sock" on other platforms.

; "pib" determines which Public Information Base (PIB) should used by default in applications.
; Currently, the only supported value for "pib" is:
;   - "pib-sqlite3"     (default if not specified)

; "tpm" determines which Trusted Platform Module (TPM) should used by default in applications.
; The supported values for "tpm" are:
;   - "tpm-file"         (default if not specified)
;   - "tpm-osxkeychain"



FaceUri for default connection toward local or remote NDN forwarder. Only unix, tcp, tcp4, and tcp6 FaceUris are accepted.

By default, unix:///run/nfd/nfd.sock is used on Linux and unix:///var/run/nfd/nfd.sock is used on other platforms.


This value can be overridden using the NDN_CLIENT_TRANSPORT environment variable.

Key Management


The public key information for each private key stored in TPM. The format for this setting is:


Possible values for [scheme] are:

  • pib-sqlite3: local PIB implementation using the SQLite3 storage engine. This is the default.

    Possible values for [location]:

    • absolute path where the SQLite3 database will be stored

    • relative path (relative to client.conf)

    • empty: the default path $HOME/.ndn will be used

When [location] is empty, the trailing : can be omitted. For example:


Changing PIB scheme without changing location is not allowed. If a change like this is necessary, the whole backend storage must be destroyed. For example, when the default location is used:

rm -rf ~/.ndn/ndnsec-*

It is not recommended to share the same directory between machines, e.g. via NFS. Simultaneous access from multiple machines may cause errors.


This value can be overridden using the NDN_CLIENT_PIB environment variable.


Trusted Platform Module (TPM) where the private keys are stored. The format for this setting is:


Possible values for [scheme] are:

  • tpm-osxkeychain: secure storage of private keys in the macOS Keychain with OS-provided access restrictions.

    The [location] parameter is ignored.

    May not work for daemon applications, as user interaction may be required to access the macOS Keychain.

  • tpm-file: file-based storage of private keys. This is the default.

    Possible values for [location]:

    • absolute path to directory that will store private/public key files (unencrypted with 0700 permission)

    • relative path (relative to client.conf)

    • empty: the default path $HOME/.ndn/ndnsec-key-file will be used

When [location] is empty, the trailing : can be omitted. For example:


Changing the ``tpm`` setting is only possible together with ``pib`` setting. Otherwise, an error will be generated during PIB/TPM access.

It is not recommended to share the same directory between machines, e.g. via NFS. Simultaneous access from multiple machines may cause errors.


This value can be overridden using the NDN_CLIENT_TPM environment variable.