Todo List
Member ndn::detail::StreamTransportImpl< BaseTransport, Protocol >::connect (const typename Protocol::endpoint &endpoint)
Decide whether this number should be configurable
Member ndn::detail::StreamTransportWithResolverImpl< BaseTransport, Protocol >::connect (std::string_view host, std::string_view port)
Decide whether this number should be configurable
Member ndn::security::CertificateStorage::cacheUnverifiedCert (Certificate &&cert)
Add ability to customize time period
Member ndn::security::CertificateStorage::cacheVerifiedCert (Certificate &&cert)
Add ability to customize time period
Class ndn::security::Validator

Limit the maximum time the validation process is allowed to run before declaring failure

Ability to customize maximum lifetime for trusted and untrusted certificate caches. Current implementation hard-codes them to be 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Member ndn::security::Validator::cacheVerifiedCertificate (Certificate &&cert)
Add ability to customize time period