protocol-factory.hpp File Reference
#include "channel.hpp"
#include "face.hpp"
#include "face-system.hpp"
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
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struct  nfd::face::ProtocolFactory::CreateFaceRequest
 Encapsulates a face creation request and all its parameters. More...
class  nfd::face::ProtocolFactory::Error
 Base class for all exceptions thrown by ProtocolFactory subclasses. More...
class  nfd::face::ProtocolFactory
 Provides support for an underlying protocol. More...
struct  nfd::face::ProtocolFactoryCtorParams
 Parameters to ProtocolFactory constructor. More...


 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents, Colorado State University, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University, Washington University in St.


 Registers a protocol factory. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


static class NfdAuto ## PF ## ProtocolFactoryRegistrationClass \
{ \
public: \
NfdAuto ## PF ## ProtocolFactoryRegistrationClass() \
{ \
::nfd::face::ProtocolFactory::registerType<PF>(); \
} \
} g_nfdAuto ## PF ## ProtocolFactoryRegistrationVariable

Registers a protocol factory.

This macro should appear once in the .cpp file of each protocol factory.

Definition at line 256 of file protocol-factory.hpp.