global.cpp File Reference
#include "common/global.hpp"
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boost::asio::io_service & nfd::getGlobalIoService ()
 Returns the global io_service instance for the calling thread. More...
boost::asio::io_service & nfd::getMainIoService ()
boost::asio::io_service & nfd::getRibIoService ()
Scheduler & nfd::getScheduler ()
 Returns the global Scheduler instance for the calling thread. More...
void nfd::runOnMainIoService (const std::function< void()> &f)
 Run a function on the main io_service instance. More...
void nfd::runOnRibIoService (const std::function< void()> &f)
 Run a function on the RIB io_service instance. More...
void nfd::setMainIoService (boost::asio::io_service *mainIo)
void nfd::setRibIoService (boost::asio::io_service *ribIo)


static thread_local unique_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > nfd::g_ioService
static boost::asio::io_service * nfd::g_mainIoService = nullptr
static boost::asio::io_service * nfd::g_ribIoService = nullptr
static thread_local unique_ptr< Scheduler > nfd::g_scheduler