Face logging macros.

These macros augment the log message with some face-specific information, such as the face ID, that are useful to distinguish which face produced the message. More...


 Log a message at DEBUG level. More...
 Log a message at ERROR level. More...
#define NFD_LOG_FACE_INFO(msg)   NFD_LOG_FACE(INFO, msg)
 Log a message at INFO level. More...
 Log a message at TRACE level. More...
#define NFD_LOG_FACE_WARN(msg)   NFD_LOG_FACE(WARN, msg)
 Log a message at WARN level. More...

Detailed Description

These macros augment the log message with some face-specific information, such as the face ID, that are useful to distinguish which face produced the message.

It is strongly recommended to use these macros instead of the generic ones for all logging inside Face, LinkService, Transport subclasses.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NFD_LOG_FACE_DEBUG (   msg)    NFD_LOG_FACE(DEBUG, msg)

Log a message at DEBUG level.

Definition at line 151 of file face-common.hpp.


#define NFD_LOG_FACE_ERROR (   msg)    NFD_LOG_FACE(ERROR, msg)

Log a message at ERROR level.

Definition at line 160 of file face-common.hpp.


#define NFD_LOG_FACE_INFO (   msg)    NFD_LOG_FACE(INFO, msg)

Log a message at INFO level.

Definition at line 154 of file face-common.hpp.


#define NFD_LOG_FACE_TRACE (   msg)    NFD_LOG_FACE(TRACE, msg)

Log a message at TRACE level.

Definition at line 148 of file face-common.hpp.


#define NFD_LOG_FACE_WARN (   msg)    NFD_LOG_FACE(WARN, msg)

Log a message at WARN level.

Definition at line 157 of file face-common.hpp.