Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
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 NndnCopyright (c) 2014-2018, The University of Memphis, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents
 NnlsrCopyright (c) 2014-2018, The University of Memphis, Regents of the University of California, Arizona Board of Regents
 CCertificateStoreStore certificates for names
 CAdjacencyData abstraction for Adjacency
 CAdjacencyLsaData abstraction for AdjacencyLsa
 CCoordinateLsaData abstraction for CoordinateLsa
 CDestinationData abstraction for Destination
 CLsaInfoData abstraction for LsaInfo
 CLsdbStatusData abstraction for LsdbStatus
 CNameLsaData abstraction for NameLsa
 CNextHopData abstraction for Nexthop
 CRoutingTableData abstraction for RouteTableInfo
 CRoutingTableStatusData abstraction for routing table status
 CAdjacentA neighbor reachable over a Face
 CConfFileProcessorA class containing methods to parse an NLSR configuration file
 CConfParameterA class to house all the configuration parameters for NLSR
 CDatasetInterestHandlerClass to publish all dataset
 CFibMaps names to lists of next hops, and exports this information to NFD
 Cis_iterator< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, void >::value >::type >
 CNlsrRunnerA wrapper class to instantiate and configure an NLSR object
 CSegmentPublisherPublisher of Status Dataset or other segmented octet stream
 CSyncLogicHandlerNLSR-to-ChronoSync interaction point