static const ssize_t KEY_ID_OFFSET
The certificate following the certificate format naming convention.
Buffer getPublicKey() const
Get public key bits (in PKCS#8 format)
name::Component getIssuerId() const
Get issuer ID.
static const size_t MIN_KEY_NAME_LENGTH
Name getIdentity() const
Get identity name.
Name extractKeyNameFromCertName(const Name &certName)
Extract key name from the certificate name certName.
Represents a TLV element of NDN packet format.
static time_point now() noexcept
static const size_t MIN_CERT_NAME_LENGTH
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AdditionalDescription &desc)
Abstraction of validity period.
static const ssize_t KEY_COMPONENT_OFFSET
static const ssize_t VERSION_OFFSET
Name getKeyName() const
Get key name.
Represents an absolute name.
Represents a name component.
name::Component getKeyId() const
Get key ID.
static bool isValidName(const Name &certName)
Check if the specified name follows the naming convention for the certificate.
static const name::Component KEY_COMPONENT
static const ssize_t ISSUER_ID_OFFSET
ValidityPeriod getValidityPeriod() const
Get validity period of the certificate.
Represents a Data packet.
const Block & getExtension(uint32_t type) const
Get extension with TLV type.
General-purpose automatically managed/resized buffer.
bool isValid(const time::system_clock::TimePoint &ts=time::system_clock::now()) const
Check if the certificate is valid at ts.
Name extractIdentityFromCertName(const Name &certName)
Extract identity namespace from the certificate name certName.