60 [[deprecated(
"use the overload that takes a span<>")]]
Common includes and macros used throughout the library.
uint32_t generateSecureWord32()
Generate a cryptographically secure random integer from the range [0, 2^32)
uint32_t generateWord32()
Generate a non-cryptographically-secure random integer in the range [0, 2^32)
void generateSecureBytes(span< uint8_t > buf)
Fill buffer with cryptographically secure random bytes.
std::mt19937 RandomNumberEngine
uint64_t generateSecureWord64()
Generate a cryptographically secure random integer from the range [0, 2^64)
uint64_t generateWord64()
Generate a non-cryptographically-secure random integer in the range [0, 2^64)
RandomNumberEngine & getRandomNumberEngine()
Returns a reference to a thread-local instance of a properly seeded PRNG.