Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Regents of the University of California.
4  *
5  * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
6  *
7  * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
9  * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
12  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
13  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
16  * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
17  * <>.
18  *
19  * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
20  */
23 #include "ndn-cxx/util/logger.hpp"
25 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
27 namespace ndn::security {
31 #define NDN_LOG_DEBUG_DEPTH(x) NDN_LOG_DEBUG(std::string(state->getDepth() + 1, '>') << " " << x)
32 #define NDN_LOG_TRACE_DEPTH(x) NDN_LOG_TRACE(std::string(state->getDepth() + 1, '>') << " " << x)
34 Validator::Validator(unique_ptr<ValidationPolicy> policy, unique_ptr<CertificateFetcher> certFetcher)
35  : m_policy(std::move(policy))
36  , m_certFetcher(std::move(certFetcher))
37 {
38  BOOST_ASSERT(m_policy != nullptr);
39  BOOST_ASSERT(m_certFetcher != nullptr);
40  m_policy->setValidator(*this);
41  m_certFetcher->setCertificateStorage(*this);
42 }
44 Validator::~Validator() noexcept = default;
46 void
47 Validator::validate(const Data& data,
48  const DataValidationSuccessCallback& successCb,
49  const DataValidationFailureCallback& failureCb)
50 {
51  auto state = make_shared<DataValidationState>(data, successCb, failureCb);
52  NDN_LOG_DEBUG_DEPTH("Start validating data " << data.getName());
54  m_policy->checkPolicy(data, state, [this] (auto&&... args) {
55  continueValidation(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
56  });
57 }
59 void
60 Validator::validate(const Interest& interest,
61  const InterestValidationSuccessCallback& successCb,
62  const InterestValidationFailureCallback& failureCb)
63 {
64  auto state = make_shared<InterestValidationState>(interest, successCb, failureCb);
65  NDN_LOG_DEBUG_DEPTH("Start validating interest " << interest.getName());
67  try {
69  state->setTag(make_shared<SignedInterestFormatTag>(fmt));
70  }
71  catch (const tlv::Error& e) {
72  return state->fail({ValidationError::MALFORMED_SIGNATURE, "Malformed InterestSignatureInfo in `" +
73  interest.getName().toUri() + "`: " + e.what()});
74  }
76  m_policy->checkPolicy(interest, state, [this] (auto&&... args) {
77  continueValidation(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
78  });
79 }
81 void
82 Validator::validate(const Certificate& cert, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state)
83 {
84  NDN_LOG_DEBUG_DEPTH("Start validating certificate " << cert.getName());
86  if (!cert.isValid()) {
87  return state->fail({ValidationError::EXPIRED_CERT, "`" + cert.getName().toUri() + "` is valid "
88  "between " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cert.getValidityPeriod())});
89  }
91  m_policy->checkPolicy(cert, state,
92  [this, cert] (const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state) {
93  if (certRequest == nullptr) {
94  state->fail({ValidationError::POLICY_ERROR, "Validation policy is not allowed to designate `" +
95  cert.getName().toUri() + "` as a trust anchor"});
96  }
97  else {
98  // need to fetch key and validate it
99  state->addCertificate(cert);
100  requestCertificate(certRequest, state);
101  }
102  });
103 }
105 void
106 Validator::continueValidation(const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest,
107  const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state)
108 {
109  BOOST_ASSERT(state);
111  if (certRequest == nullptr) {
112  state->bypassValidation();
113  }
114  else {
115  // need to fetch key and validate it
116  requestCertificate(certRequest, state);
117  }
118 }
120 void
121 Validator::requestCertificate(const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest,
122  const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state)
123 {
124  if (state->getDepth() >= m_maxDepth) {
125  state->fail({ValidationError::EXCEEDED_DEPTH_LIMIT, to_string(m_maxDepth)});
126  return;
127  }
129  if (certRequest->interest.getName() == SigningInfo::getDigestSha256Identity()) {
130  state->verifyOriginalPacket(std::nullopt);
131  return;
132  }
134  if (state->hasSeenCertificateName(certRequest->interest.getName())) {
135  state->fail({ValidationError::LOOP_DETECTED, certRequest->interest.getName().toUri()});
136  return;
137  }
139  NDN_LOG_DEBUG_DEPTH("Retrieving " << certRequest->interest.getName());
141  auto cert = findTrustedCert(certRequest->interest);
142  if (cert != nullptr) {
143  NDN_LOG_TRACE_DEPTH("Found trusted certificate " << cert->getName());
145  cert = state->verifyCertificateChain(*cert);
146  if (cert != nullptr) {
147  state->verifyOriginalPacket(*cert);
148  }
149  for (auto trustedCert = std::make_move_iterator(state->m_certificateChain.begin());
150  trustedCert != std::make_move_iterator(state->m_certificateChain.end());
151  ++trustedCert) {
152  cacheVerifiedCertificate(*trustedCert);
153  }
154  return;
155  }
157  m_certFetcher->fetch(certRequest, state, [this] (auto&&... args) {
158  validate(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
159  });
160 }
163 // Trust anchor management
166 // to change visibility from protected to public
168 void
169 Validator::loadAnchor(const std::string& groupId, Certificate&& cert)
170 {
171  CertificateStorage::loadAnchor(groupId, std::move(cert));
172 }
174 void
175 Validator::loadAnchor(const std::string& groupId, const std::string& certfilePath,
176  time::nanoseconds refreshPeriod, bool isDir)
177 {
178  CertificateStorage::loadAnchor(groupId, certfilePath, refreshPeriod, isDir);
179 }
181 void
183 {
185 }
187 void
189 {
190  CertificateStorage::cacheVerifiedCert(std::move(cert));
191 }
193 void
195 {
197 }
199 } // namespace ndn::security
Represents a Data packet.
Definition: data.hpp:39
Represents an Interest packet.
Definition: interest.hpp:50
std::optional< SignatureInfo > getSignatureInfo() const
Get the InterestSignatureInfo element.
Definition: interest.cpp:552
const Name & getName() const noexcept
Get the Interest name.
Definition: interest.hpp:179
const Certificate * findTrustedCert(const Interest &interestForCert) const
Find a trusted certificate in trust anchor container or in verified cache.
void resetAnchors()
Remove any previously loaded static or dynamic trust anchor.
void cacheVerifiedCert(Certificate &&cert)
Cache verified certificate a period of time (1 hour).
void loadAnchor(const std::string &groupId, Certificate &&cert)
Load static trust anchor.
void resetVerifiedCerts()
Remove any cached verified certificates.
Represents an NDN certificate.
Definition: certificate.hpp:58
static const Name & getDigestSha256Identity()
A localhost identity to indicate that the signature is generated using SHA-256.
Exceeded validation depth limit.
The certificate expired or is not yet valid.
The packet violates the validation rules enforced by the policy.
Loop detected in the certification chain.
The signature (e.g., SignatureInfo element) is missing or malformed.
Interface for validating data and interest packets.
Definition: validator.hpp:61
void cacheVerifiedCertificate(Certificate &&cert)
Cache verified cert a period of time (1 hour).
Definition: validator.cpp:188
void loadAnchor(const std::string &groupId, Certificate &&cert)
Load static trust anchor.
Definition: validator.cpp:169
void validate(const Data &data, const DataValidationSuccessCallback &successCb, const DataValidationFailureCallback &failureCb)
Asynchronously validate data.
Definition: validator.cpp:47
void resetVerifiedCertificates()
Remove any cached verified certificates.
Definition: validator.cpp:194
void resetAnchors()
Remove any previously loaded static or dynamic trust anchor.
Definition: validator.cpp:182
Validator(unique_ptr< ValidationPolicy > policy, unique_ptr< CertificateFetcher > certFetcher)
Validator constructor.
Definition: validator.cpp:34
Represents an error in TLV encoding or decoding.
Definition: tlv.hpp:54
#define NDN_LOG_INIT(name)
Define a non-member log module.
Definition: logger.hpp:169
std::string to_string(const errinfo_stacktrace &x)
Definition: exception.cpp:30
Contains the ndn-cxx security framework.
std::function< void(const Interest &)> InterestValidationSuccessCallback
Callback to report a successful Interest validation.
std::function< void(const Interest &, const ValidationError &)> InterestValidationFailureCallback
Callback to report a failed Interest validation.
std::function< void(const Data &)> DataValidationSuccessCallback
Callback to report a successful Data validation.
@ V03
Sign Interest using Packet Specification v0.3 semantics.
@ V02
Sign Interest using Packet Specification v0.2 semantics.
std::function< void(const Data &, const ValidationError &)> DataValidationFailureCallback
Callback to report a failed Data validation.
::boost::chrono::nanoseconds nanoseconds
Definition: time.hpp:54
Definition: data.cpp:25
Definition: validator.cpp:31
Definition: validator.cpp:32