▼Nnlsr | Copyright (c) 2014-2020, The University of Memphis, Regents of the University of California |
Ndataset | |
▼Nsecurity | |
CCertificateStore | Store certificates for names |
Ntlv | |
▼Nupdate | |
CAdvertisePrefixCommand | |
▼CCommandProcessor | |
CError | |
CNfdRibCommandProcessor | |
CPrefixUpdateProcessor | |
CWithdrawPrefixCommand | |
Nutil | |
CAdjacencyList | |
▼CAdjacent | A neighbor reachable over a Face |
CError | |
CAdjLsa | Represents an LSA of adjacencies of the origin router in link-state mode |
CConfFileProcessor | A class containing methods to parse an NLSR configuration file |
CConfParameter | A class to house all the configuration parameters for NLSR |
CCoordinateLsa | Represents an LSA of hyperbolic coordinates of the origin router |
▼CDatasetInterestHandler | Class to publish all dataset |
CError | |
CFib | Maps names to lists of next hops, and exports this information to NFD |
CFibEntry | |
CHelloProtocol | |
▼CLsa | Represents a Link State Announcement (LSA) |
CError | |
▼CLsdb | |
CbyName | |
CbyType | |
Cenum_class_hash | |
CExtractOriginRouter | |
Cname_hash | |
CNameLsa | Represents an LSA of name prefixes announced by the origin router |
CNameMap | Assigning numbers to router names |
CNamePrefixList | |
CNamePrefixTable | |
CNamePrefixTableEntry | |
CNextHop | Data abstraction for Nexthop |
CNexthopListT | |
CNextHopUriSortedComparator | |
▼CNlsr | |
CError | |
CRoutingTable | |
CRoutingTableEntry | Data abstraction for RouteTableInfo |
CRoutingTablePoolEntry | |
CRoutingTableStatus | Data abstraction for routing table status |
CSequencingManager | |
CStatistics | |
CStatsCollector | Class designed to handle statistical signals in nlsr |
▼CSyncLogicHandler | NLSR-to-sync interaction point |
CError | |
CSyncLogicOptions | |
CSyncProtocolAdapter |