KeyChain Class¶
The Keychain class provides a set of interfaces to the security library such as identity management, policy configuration and packet signing and verification.
[C++]: | #include <ndn-cpp/security/key-chain.hpp> Namespace:
ndn |
[Python]: | Module: |
[Java]: | Package: |
KeyChain Constructors¶
KeyChain Constructor (default)¶
Create a KeyChain with the default PIB and TPM, which are platform-dependent and can be overridden system-wide or individually by the user. This creates a security v2 KeyChain that uses CertificateV2, Pib, Tpm and Validator.
[C++]: | KeyChain();
[Python]: | def __init__(self)
[JavaScript]: | var KeyChain = function KeyChain()
[Java]: | public KeyChain()
KeyChain Constructor (locator strings)¶
Create a KeyChain to use the PIB and TPM defined by the given locators. This creates a security v2 KeyChain that uses CertificateV2, Pib, Tpm and Validator
[C++]: | KeyChain(
const std::string& pibLocator,
const std::string& tpmLocator
[, bool allowReset]
[Python]: | def __init__(self,
pibLocator, # str
tpmLocator # str
[, allowReset # bool]
[JavaScript]: | // Returns Name
var KeyChain = function KeyChain(
pibLocator, // string
tpmLocator // string
[, allowReset // boolean]
[Java]: | public KeyChain(
String pibLocator,
String tpmLocator
[, boolean allowReset]
Parameters: |
KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams Method¶
Get the default parameters for generating keys.
[C++]: | static const KeyParams& getDefaultKeyParams();
[Python]: | # Returns KeyParams
def getDefaultKeyParams()
[JavaScript]: | // Returns KeyParams
KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams = function()
[Java]: | public static KeyParams getDefaultKeyParams()
Returns: | The default KeyParams. |
KeyChain.getPib Method¶
Get the KeyChain’s Pib object, which is used to access the hierarchy of Identity-Key-Certificate.
[C++]: | Pib& getPib();
[Python]: | # Returns Pib
def getPib(self)
[JavaScript]: | // Returns Pib
KeyChain.prototype.getPib = function()
[Java]: | public final Pib getPib()
Returns: | The Pib object. |
KeyChain.getTpm Method¶
Get the KeyChain’s Tpm object, which is used for private key’ operations.
[C++]: | Tpm& getTpm();
[Python]: | # Returns Tpm
def getTpm(self)
[JavaScript]: | // Returns Tpm
KeyChain.prototype.getTpm = function()
[Java]: | public final Tpm getTpm()
Returns: | The Tpm object. |
KeyChain Identity Management¶
KeyChain.createIdentityV2 Method¶
Create a PibIdentity for identityName. This method will check if the identity exists in PIB and whether the identity has a default key and default certificate. If the identity does not exist, this method will create the identity in the PIB. If the identity’s default key does not exist, this method will create a key pair and set it as the identity’s default key. If the key’s default certificate is missing, this method will create a self-signed certificate for the key. If identityName did not exist and no default identity was selected before, the created identity will be set as the default identity.
[C++]: | ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PibIdentity> createIdentityV2(
const Name& identityName
[, const KeyParams& params]
[Python]: | # Returns PibIdentity
def createIdentityV2(self,
identityName # Name
[, params # KeyParams]
[JavaScript]: | // Returns PibIdentity
KeyChain.prototype.createIdentityV2 = function(
identityName // Name
[, params // KeyParams]
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final PibIdentity createIdentityV2(
Name identityName
[, KeyParams params]
Parameters: |
Returns: | The created PibIdentity object. [JavaScript only: However, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete as described above.] |
KeyChain.deleteIdentity Method¶
Delete the identity. After this operation, the identity is invalid.
[C++]: | void deleteIdentity(
PibIdentity& identity
[Python]: | def deleteIdentity(self,
identity # PibIdentity
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.deleteIdentity = function(
identity // PibIdentity
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void deleteIdentity(
PibIdentity identity
Parameters: |
KeyChain.setDefaultIdentity Method¶
Set the identity as the default identity.
[C++]: | void setDefaultIdentity(
PibIdentity& identity
[Python]: | def setDefaultIdentity(self,
identity # PibIdentity
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultIdentity = function(
identity // PibIdentity
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void setDefaultIdentity(
PibIdentity identity
Parameters: |
KeyChain Key Management¶
KeyChain.createKey Method¶
Create a PibKey for the identity according to params. If the identity had no default key selected, the created key will be set as the default for this identity. This method will also create a self-signed certificate for the created key.
[C++]: | ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PibKey> createKey(
PibIdentity& identity
[, const KeyParams& params]
[Python]: | # Returns PibKey
def createKey(self,
identity # PibIdentity
[, params # KeyParams]
[JavaScript]: | // Returns PibKey
KeyChain.prototype.createKey = function(
identity // PibIdentity
[, params // KeyParams]
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final PibKey createKey(
PibIdentity identity
[, KeyParams params]
Parameters: |
Returns: | The ney PibKey. [JavaScript only: However, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete as described above.] |
KeyChain.deleteKey Method¶
Delete the given key of the given identity. The key becomes invalid.
[C++]: | void deleteKey(
PibIdentity& identity,
PibKey& key
[Python]: | def deleteKey(self,
identity # PibIdentity
key # PibKey
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.deleteKey = function(
identity, // PibIdentity
key // PibKey
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void deleteKey(
PibIdentity identity,
PibKey key
Parameters: |
KeyChain.setDefaultKey Method¶
Set the key as the default key of identity.
[C++]: | void setDefaultKey(
PibIdentity& identity,
PibKey& key
[Python]: | def setDefaultKey(self,
identity, # PibIdentity
key # PibKey
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultKey = function(
identity, // PibIdentity
key // PibKey
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void setDefaultKey(
PibIdentity identity,
PibKey key
Parameters: |
KeyChain Certificate Management¶
KeyChain.addCertificate Method¶
Add a certificate for the key. If the key had no default certificate selected, the added certificate will be set as the default certificate for this key.
[C++]: | void addCertificate(
PibKey& key,
const CertificateV2& certificate
[Python]: | def addCertificate(self,
key, # PibKey
certificate # CertificateV2
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.addCertificate = function(
key, // PibKey
certificate // CertificateV2
[Java]: | public final void addCertificate(
PibKey key,
CertificateV2 certificate
Parameters: |
KeyChain.deleteCertificate Method¶
Delete the certificate with the given name from the given key. If the certificate does not exist, this does nothing.
[C++]: | void deleteCertificate(
PibKey& key,
const Name& certificateName
[Python]: | def deleteCertificate(self,
key, # PibKey
certificateName # Name
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.deleteCertificate = function(
key, // PibKey
certificateName // Name
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void deleteCertificate(
PibKey key,
Name certificateName
Parameters: |
KeyChain.setDefaultCertificate Method¶
Set the certificate as the default certificate of the key. The certificate will be added to the key, potentially overriding an existing certificate if it has the same name (without considering implicit digest).
[C++]: | void setDefaultCertificate(
PibKey& key,
const CertificateV2& certificate
[Python]: | def setDefaultCertificate(self,
key, # PibKey
certificate # CertificateV2
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultCertificate = function(
key, // PibKey
certificate // CertificateV2
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void setDefaultCertificate(
PibKey key,
CertificateV2 certificate
Parameters: |
KeyChain Signing Methods¶
KeyChain.sign (Data) Method¶
Wire encode the Data object, sign it according to the supplied signing parameters, and set its signature.
[C++]: | void sign(
Data& data
[, const SigningInfo& params]
[Python]: | def sign(self,
data # Data
[, params # SigningInfo]
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.sign = function(
data // Data
[, params // SigningInfo]
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void sign(
Data data
[, SigningInfo params]
Parameters: |
KeyChain.sign (Interest) Method¶
Sign the Interest according to the supplied signing parameters. Append a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, sign the encoded name components and append a final name component with the signature bits.
[C++]: | void sign(
Interest& interest
[, const SigningInfo& params]
[Python]: | def sign(self,
interest # Interest
[, params # SigningInfo]
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.sign = function(
interest // Interest
[, params // SigningInfo]
[, onComplete // function]
[, onError // function]
[Java]: | public final void sign(
Interest interest
[, SigningInfo params]
Parameters: |
KeyChain.signWithSha256 (Data) Method¶
Wire encode the Data object, digest it and set its SignatureInfo to a DigestSha256.
[C++]: | void signWithSha256(
Data& data
[Python]: | def signWithSha256(self,
data # Data
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.signWithSha256 = function(
data // Data
[Java]: | public final void signWithSha256(
Data data
Parameters: |
KeyChain.signWithSha256 (Interest) Method¶
Append a SignatureInfo for DigestSha256 to the Interest name, digest the name components and append a final name component with the signature bits (which is the digest).
[C++]: | void signWithSha256(
Interest& interest
[Python]: | def signWithSha256(self,
interest # Interest
[JavaScript]: | KeyChain.prototype.signWithSha256 = function(
interest // Interest
[Java]: | public final void signWithSha256(
Interest interest
Parameters: |