MemoryContentCache Class


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

A MemoryContentCache holds a set of Data packets and answers an Interest to return the correct Data packet. The cache is periodically cleaned up to remove each stale Data packet based on its FreshnessPeriod (if it has one).

#include <ndn-cpp/util/memory-content-cache.hpp>
Namespace: ndn
[Python]:Module: pyndn.util.memory_content_cache
[Java]:Package: net.named_data.jndn.util

MemoryContentCache Constructor


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Create a new MemoryContentCache to use the given Face.

    Face* face
    [, Milliseconds cleanupIntervalMilliseconds]
def __init__(self
    face                            # Face
    [, cleanupIntervalMilliseconds  # double]
var MemoryContentCache = function MemoryContentCache(
    face                            // Face
    [, cleanupIntervalMilliseconds  // number]
public MemoryContentCache(
    Face face
    [, double cleanupIntervalMilliseconds]
  • face
    The Face to use to call registerPrefix and setInterestFilter, and which will call the onInterest callback.
  • cleanupIntervalMilliseconds
    (optional) The interval in milliseconds between each check to clean up stale content in the cache. If omitted, use a default of 1000 milliseconds. If this is a large number, then effectively the stale content will not be removed from the cache.

MemoryContentCache.add Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Add the Data packet to the cache so that it is available to use to answer interests. If data.getMetaInfo().getFreshnessPeriod() is specified, set the staleness time to now plus the maximum of data.getMetaInfo().getFreshnessPeriod() and minimumCacheLifetime, which is checked during cleanup to remove stale content. This also checks if cleanupIntervalMilliseconds milliseconds have passed and removes stale content from the cache. After removing stale content, remove timed-out pending interests from storePendingInterest, then if the added Data packet satisfies any interest, send it and remove the interest from the pending interest table.


[except JavaScript] Your application must call processEvents. Since processEvents modifies the cache, your application should make sure that it calls processEvents in the same thread as add (which also modifies the cache).

void add(
    const Data& data
def add(self,
    data  # Data
MemoryContentCache.prototype.add = function(
    data  // Data
public final void add(
    Data data
  • data
    The Data packet object to put in the cache. This copies the fields from the object.

MemoryContentCache.getMinimumCacheLifetime Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Get the minimum lifetime before removing stale content from the cache.

Milliseconds getMinimumCacheLifetime();
# Returns float
def getMinimumCacheLifetime(self)
// Returns number
MemoryContentCache.prototype.getMinimumCacheLifetime = function()
public final double getMinimumCacheLifetime()

The minimum cache lifetime in milliseconds.

MemoryContentCache.getStorePendingInterest Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Return a callback to use for onDataNotFound in registerPrefix which simply calls storePendingInterest to store the interest that doesn’t match a Data packet. add(data) will check if the added Data packet satisfies any pending interest and send it.

const OnInterestCallback& getStorePendingInterest();
# Returns an onInterest callback
def getStorePendingInterest(self)
// Returns an onInterest callback
MemoryContentCache.prototype.getStorePendingInterest = function()
public final OnInterestCallback getStorePendingInterest()

A callback to use for onDataNotFound in registerPrefix .

MemoryContentCache.registerPrefix Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Call registerPrefix on the Face given to the constructor so that this MemoryContentCache will answer interests whose name has the prefix. Alternatively, if the Face’s registerPrefix has already been called, then you can call setInterestFilter.


[except JavaScript] Your application must call processEvents. The cache is processed on the same thread that calls processEvents.

void registerPrefix(
    const Name& prefix,
    const OnRegisterFailed& onRegisterFailed
    [, const OnRegisterSuccess& onRegisterSuccess]
    [, const OnInterestCallback& onDataNotFound]
    [, const RegistrationOptions& registrationOptions]
def registerPrefix(self,
    prefix,               # Name
    onRegisterFailed      # function object
    [, onRegisterSuccess  # function object]
    [, onDataNotFound     # function object]
    [, registrationOptions # RegistrationOptions]
MemoryContentCache.prototype.registerPrefix = function(
    prefix,               // Name
    onRegisterFailed      // function
    [, onRegisterSuccess  // function]
    [, onDataNotFound     // function]
    [, registrationOptions // RegistrationOptions]
public final void registerPrefix(
    Name prefix,
    OnRegisterFailed onRegisterFailed
    [, OnRegisterSuccess onRegisterSuccess]
    [, OnInterestCallback onDataNotFound]
    [, RegistrationOptions registrationOptions]
  • prefix

    The Name for the prefix to register. This copies the Name.

  • onRegisterFailed

    If failed to set Interest filter for any reason, this calls onRegisterFailed(prefix) where:

    • prefix is the prefix given to registerPrefix.


    The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any exceptions.

  • onRegisterSuccess (optional) When this receives a success message from the forwarder, this calls onRegisterSuccess(prefix, registeredPrefixId) where:

    • prefix is the prefix given to registerPrefix.
    • registeredPrefixId is the value returned by registerPrefix.


    The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any exceptions.

  • onDataNotFound

    (optional) If a data packet for an interest is not found in the cache, this forwards the interest by calling the onDataNotFound callback. (For details of the callback parameters, see the onInterest parameter of registerPrefix. The onDataNotFound callback is called on the same thread that calls processEvents.) Your callback can find the Data packet for the interest and send it. If your callback cannot find the Data packet, it can optionally call storePendingInterest(interest, …) to store the pending interest in this object to be satisfied by a later call to add(data). If you want to automatically store all pending interests, you can simply use getStorePendingInterest() for onDataNotFound. If onDataNotFound is an empty OnInterestCallback() (C++) or null (Java, JavaScript) or None (PyNDN), this does not use it.


    The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any exceptions.

  • registrationOptions

    (optional) The registration options for finer control of how to forward an interest and other options. If omitted, use the default RegistrationOptions constructor.

MemoryContentCache.setInterestFilter Methods

MemoryContentCache.setInterestFilter Method (from InterestFilter)


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Call setInterestFilter on the Face given to the constructor so that this MemoryContentCache will answer interests whose name matches the filter.


[except JavaScript] Your application must call processEvents. The cache is processed on the same thread that calls processEvents.

void setInterestFilter(
    const InterestFilter& filter,
    [, const OnInterestCallback& onDataNotFound]
def setInterestFilter(self,
    filter,            # InterestFilter
    [, onDataNotFound  # function object]
MemoryContentCache.prototype.setInterestFilter = function(
    filter,            // InterestFilter
    [, onDataNotFound  // function]
public final void setInterestFilter(
    InterestFilter filter,
    [, OnInterestCallback onDataNotFound]
  • filter

    The InterestFilter with a prefix and optional regex filter used to match the name of an incoming Interest. This makes a copy of filter.

  • onDataNotFound

    (optional) If a data packet for an interest is not found in the cache, this forwards the interest by calling the onDataNotFound callback. (For details of the callback parameters, see the onInterest parameter of registerPrefix. The onDataNotFound callback is called on the same thread that calls processEvents.) Your callback can find the Data packet for the interest and send it. If your callback cannot find the Data packet, it can optionally call storePendingInterest(interest, …) to store the pending interest in this object to be satisfied by a later call to add(data). If you want to automatically store all pending interests, you can simply use getStorePendingInterest() for onDataNotFound. If onDataNotFound is an empty OnInterestCallback() (C++) or null (Java, JavaScript) or None (PyNDN), this does not use it.


    The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any exceptions.

MemoryContentCache.setInterestFilter Method (from prefix)


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Call setInterestFilter on the Face given to the constructor so that this MemoryContentCache will answer interests whose name name has the prefix.


[except JavaScript] Your application must call processEvents. The cache is processed on the same thread that calls processEvents.

void setInterestFilter(
    const Name &prefix,
    [, const OnInterestCallback& onDataNotFound]
def setInterestFilter(self,
    prefix,            # Name
    [, onDataNotFound  # function object]
MemoryContentCache.prototype.setInterestFilter = function(
    prefix,            // Name
    [, onDataNotFound  // function]
public final void setInterestFilter(
    Name prefix,
    [, OnInterestCallback onDataNotFound]
  • prefix

    The Name prefix used to match the name of an incoming Interest.

  • onDataNotFound

    (optional) If a data packet for an interest is not found in the cache, this forwards the interest by calling the onDataNotFound callback. (For details of the callback parameters, see the onInterest parameter of registerPrefix. The onDataNotFound callback is called on the same thread that calls processEvents.) Your callback can find the Data packet for the interest and send it. If your callback cannot find the Data packet, it can optionally call storePendingInterest(interest, …) to store the pending interest in this object to be satisfied by a later call to add(data). If you want to automatically store all pending interests, you can simply use getStorePendingInterest() for onDataNotFound. If onDataNotFound is an empty OnInterestCallback() (C++) or null (Java, JavaScript) or None (PyNDN), this does not use it.


    The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any exceptions.

MemoryContentCache.setMinimumCacheLifetime Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Set the minimum lifetime before removing stale content from the cache which can keep content in the cache longer than the lifetime defined in the meta info. This can be useful for matching interests where MustBeFresh is false. The default minimum cache lifetime is zero, meaning that content is removed when its lifetime expires.

void setMinimumCacheLifetime(
    Milliseconds minimumCacheLifetime
def setMinimumCacheLifetime(self,
    minimumCacheLifetime  # float
MemoryContentCache.prototype.setMinimumCacheLifetime = function(
    minimumCacheLifetime  // number
public final void setMinimumCacheLifetime(
    double minimumCacheLifetime
  • minimumCacheLifetime
    The minimum cache lifetime in milliseconds.

MemoryContentCache.storePendingInterest Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Store an interest from an onInterest callback in the internal pending interest table (normally because there is no Data packet available yet to satisfy the interest). add(data) will check if the added Data packet satisfies any pending interest and send it through the face.

void storePendingInterest(
    const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest,
    Face& face
def storePendingInterest(self,
    interest,  # Interest
    face       # Face
MemoryContentCache.prototype.storePendingInterest = function(
    interest.  // Interest
    face       // Face
public final void storePendingInterest(
    Interest interest,
    Face face
  • interest
    The Interest for which we don’t have a Data packet yet. You should not modify the interest after calling this.
  • face
    The Face with the connection which received the interest. This comes from the onInterest callback.

MemoryContentCache.unregisterAll Method


The MemoryContentCache is experimental and the API is not finalized.

Call Face.unsetInterestFilter and Face.removeRegisteredPrefix for all the prefixes given to the setInterestFilter and registerPrefix method on this MemoryContentCache object so that it will not receive interests any more. You can call this if you want to “shut down” this MemoryContentCache while your application is still running.


[except JavaScript] Your application should call this on the same thread that calls processEvents.

void unregisterAll();
def unregisterAll(self)
MemoryContentCache.prototype.unregisterAll = function()
public final unregisterAll()