ValidityPeriod Class

A ValidityPeriod is used in a Data packet’s SignatureInfo and represents the’ begin and end times of a certificate’s validity period.

#include <ndn-cpp/security/validity-period.hpp>
Namespace: ndn
[Python]:Module: pyndn

ValidityPeriod Constructors

ValidityPeriod Constructor (default)

Create a default ValidityPeriod where the period is not specified.

def __init__(self)
var ValidityPeriod = function ValidityPeriod()
public ValidityPeriod()

ValidityPeriod Constructor (copy)

Create a new ValidityPeriod as a copy of the given validity period.

    const ValidityPeriod& validityPeriod
def __init__(self,
    validityPeriod  # ValidityPeriod
var ValidityPeriod = function ValidityPeriod(
    validityPeriod  // ValidityPeriod
public ValidityPeriod(
    ValidityPeriod validityPeriod
  • validityPeriod
    The ValidityPeriod to copy.

ValidityPeriod Constructor (from values)

Create a ValidityPeriod with the given period.

    MillisecondsSince1970 notBefore,
    MillisecondsSince1970 notAfter
def __init__(self,
    notBefore,  # float
    notAfter    # float
var ValidityPeriod = function ValidityPeriod(
    notBefore,  // number
    notAfter    // number
public ValidityPeriod(
    double notBefore,
    double notAfter
  • notBefore
    The beginning of the validity period range as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. Note that this is rounded up to the nearest whole second.
  • notAfter
    The end of the validity period range as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. Note that this is rounded up to the nearest whole second.

ValidityPeriod.clear Method

Reset to a default ValidityPeriod where the period is not specified.

void clear();
def clear(self)
Exclude.prototype.clear = function()
public final void clear()

ValidityPeriod.equals Method

Check if this name has the same component count and components as the given name.

bool equals(
    const ValidityPeriod& other
) const;
# Returns bool
def equals(self,
    other  # ValidityPeriod
// Returns boolean
ValidityPeriod.prototype.equals = function(
    other  // ValidityPeriod
public boolean equals(
    ValidityPeriod other
  • other
    The other ValidityPeriod to compare with.

True if the validity periods are equal, otherwise false.

ValidityPeriod.getNotBefore Method

Get the beginning of the validity period range.

MillisecondsSince1970 getNotBefore() const;
# Returns float
def getNotBefore(self)
// Returns number
ValidityPeriod.prototype.getNotBefore = function()
public final double getNotBefore()

The time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. If not specified, return DBL_MAX (C++) or Double.MAX_VALUE (Java) or 1e37 (Python) or Number.MAX_VALUE (JavaScript).

ValidityPeriod.getNotAfter Method

Get the end of the validity period range.

MillisecondsSince1970 getNotAfter() const;
# Returns float
def getNotAfter(self)
// Returns number
ValidityPeriod.prototype.getNotAfter = function()
public final double getNotAfter()

The time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. If not specified, return -DBL_MAX (C++) or -Double.MAX_VALUE (Java) or -1e37 (Python) or -Number.MAX_VALUE (JavaScript).

ValidityPeriod.hasPeriod Method

Check if the period has been set.

bool hasPeriod() const;
# Returns bool
def hasPeriod(self)
// Returns boolean
ValidityPeriod.prototype.hasPeriod = function()
public final boolean hasPeriod()

True if the period has been set, false if the period is not specified (after calling the default constructor or clear).

ValidityPeriod.isValid Method

Check if the time falls within the validity period.

bool isValid(
    [MillisecondsSince1970 time]
) const;
# Returns bool
def isValid(self
    [, time  # float]
// Returns boolean
ValidityPeriod.prototype.isValid = function(
    [time  // number]
public final boolean isValid(
    [double time]
  • time
    (optional) The time to check as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. If omitted, use the current time.

True if the beginning of the validity period is less than or equal to time and time is less than or equal to the end of the validity period.

ValidityPeriod.setPeriod Method

Set the validity period.

ValidityPeriod& setPeriod(
    MillisecondsSince1970 notBefore,
    MillisecondsSince1970 notAfter
# Returns ValidityPeriod
def setPeriod(self,
    notBefore,  # float
    notAfter    # float
// Returns ValidityPeriod
ValidityPeriod.prototype.setPeriod = function(
    notBefore,  // number
    notAfter    // number
public final ValidityPeriod setPeriod(
    double notBefore,
    double notAfter
  • notBefore
    The beginning of the validity period range as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. Note that this is rounded up to the nearest whole second.
  • notAfter
    The end of the validity period range as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. Note that this is rounded up to the nearest whole second.

This ValidityPeriod so that you can chain calls to update values.