random.cpp File Reference
#include "ndn-cxx/util/random.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/util/exception.hpp"
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
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void ndn::random::generateSecureBytes (span< uint8_t > buffer)
 Fill buffer with cryptographically secure random bytes. More...
uint32_t ndn::random::generateSecureWord32 ()
 Generate a cryptographically secure random integer in the range [0, 2^32). More...
uint64_t ndn::random::generateSecureWord64 ()
 Generate a cryptographically secure random integer in the range [0, 2^64). More...
uint32_t ndn::random::generateWord32 ()
 Generate a non-cryptographically-secure random integer in the range [0, 2^32). More...
uint64_t ndn::random::generateWord64 ()
 Generate a non-cryptographically-secure random integer in the range [0, 2^64). More...
RandomNumberEngine & ndn::random::getRandomNumberEngine ()
 Returns a reference to a thread-local instance of a properly seeded PRNG. More...