Class: GroupManager

GroupManager(prefix, dataType, database, keySize, freshnessHours, keyChain)

new GroupManager(prefix, dataType, database, keySize, freshnessHours, keyChain)

A GroupManager manages keys and schedules for group members in a particular namespace. Create a group manager with the given values. The group manager namespace is /read/ .
Name Type Description
prefix Name The prefix for the group manager namespace.
dataType Name The data type for the group manager namespace.
database GroupManagerDb The GroupManagerDb for storing the group management information (including user public keys and schedules).
keySize number The group key will be an RSA key with keySize bits.
freshnessHours number The number of hours of the freshness period of data packets carrying the keys.
keyChain KeyChain The KeyChain to use for signing data packets. This signs with the default identity.


(static) memberKeysAdd_()

Add entry to memberKeys, sorted by entry.keyName. If there is already an entry with keyName, then don't add.

addEKeyPromise_(eKeyName, publicKey, privateKey, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Add the EKey with name eKeyName to the database.
Name Type Description
eKeyName Name The name of the EKey. This copies the Name.
publicKey Blob The encoded public Key of the group key pair.
privateKey Blob The encoded private Key of the group key pair.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the EKey is added, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error if a key with name eKeyName already exists in the database, or other database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

addMemberPromise(scheduleName, memberCertificate, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Add a new member with the given memberCertificate into a schedule named scheduleName. If cert is an IdentityCertificate made from memberCertificate, then the member's identity name is cert.getPublicKeyName().getPrefix(-1).
Name Type Description
scheduleName string The schedule name.
memberCertificate Data The member's certificate.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the member is added, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error if there's no schedule named scheduleName, if the member's identity name already exists, or other database error. Or a promise that is rejected with DerDecodingException for an error decoding memberCertificate as a certificate.
Promise | SyncPromise

addSchedulePromise(scheduleName, schedule, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Add a schedule with the given scheduleName.
Name Type Description
scheduleName string The name of the schedule. The name cannot be empty.
schedule Schedule The Schedule to add.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the schedule is added, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error if a schedule with the same name already exists, if the name is empty, or other database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

calculateIntervalPromise_(timeSlot, memberKeys, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Calculate an Interval that covers the timeSlot.
Name Type Description
timeSlot number The time slot to cover as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
memberKeys Array.<object> First clear memberKeys then fill it with the info of members who are allowed to access the interval. memberKeys is an array of object where "keyName" is the Name of the public key and "publicKey" is the Blob of the public key DER. The memberKeys entries are sorted by the entry keyName.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that returns a new nterval covering the time slot, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

cleanEKeysPromise(useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Delete all the EKeys in the database. The database will keep growing because EKeys will keep being added, so this method should be called periodically.
Name Type Description
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the EKeys are deleted, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

createDKeyDataPromise_(startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, keyName, privateKeyBlob, certificateKey, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Create a D-KEY Data packet with an EncryptedContent for the given private key, encrypted with the certificate key.
Name Type Description
startTimeStamp string The start time stamp string to put in the name.
endTimeStamp string The end time stamp string to put in the name.
keyName Name The key name to put in the data packet name and the EncryptedContent key locator.
privateKeyBlob Blob A Blob of the encoded private key.
certificateKey Blob The certificate key encoding, used to encrypt the private key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that returns the Data packet, or that is rejected with SecurityException for an error using the security KeyChain.
Promise | SyncPromise

createEKeyDataPromise_(startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, publicKeyBlob, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Create an E-KEY Data packet for the given public key.
Name Type Description
startTimeStamp string The start time stamp string to put in the name.
endTimeStamp string The end time stamp string to put in the name.
publicKeyBlob Blob A Blob of the public key DER.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
SecurityException for an error using the security KeyChain.
  • The Data packet.
  • A promise that returns the Data packet, or that is rejected with SecurityException for an error using the security KeyChain.
    Promise | SyncPromise

deleteEKeyPromise_(eKeyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Delete the EKey with name eKeyName from the database. If no key with the name exists in the database, do nothing.
Name Type Description
eKeyName Name The name of the EKey.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the EKey is deleted (or there is no such key), or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

deleteSchedulePromise(scheduleName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Delete the schedule with the given scheduleName. Also delete members which use this schedule. If there is no schedule with the name, then do nothing.
Name Type Description
scheduleName string The name of the schedule.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the schedule is deleted (or there is no such schedule), or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

generateKeyPairPromise_(useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Generate an RSA key pair according to keySize_.
Name Type Description
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that returns an object where "privateKeyBlob" is the encoding Blob of the private key and "publicKeyBlob" is the encoding Blob of the public key.
Promise | SyncPromise

getEKeyPromise_(eKeyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Get the group key pair with the name eKeyName from the database.
Name Type Description
eKeyName Name The name of the EKey.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that returns an object (where "publicKey" is the public key Blob and "privateKey" is the private key Blob), or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

getGroupKeyPromise(timeSlot, needRegenerate, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Create a group key for the interval into which timeSlot falls. This creates a group key if it doesn't exist, and encrypts the key using the public key of each eligible member.
Name Type Description
timeSlot number The time slot to cover as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
needRegenerate boolean (optional) needRegenerate should be true if this is the first time this method is called, or a member was removed. needRegenerate can be false if this is not the first time this method is called, or a member was added. If omitted, use true. If useSync is specified, then needRegenerate must also be specified (since this can't disambiguate two optional boolean parameters).
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise. If useSync is specified, then needRegenerate must also be specified (since this can't disambiguate two optional boolean parameters).
A promise that returns a List of Data packets (where the first is the E-KEY data packet with the group's public key and the rest are the D-KEY data packets with the group's private key encrypted with the public key of each eligible member), or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error or SecurityException for an error using the security KeyChain.
Promise | SyncPromise

removeMemberPromise(identity, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Remove a member with the given identity name. If there is no member with the identity name, then do nothing.
Name Type Description
identity Name The member's identity name.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the member is removed (or there is no such member), or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error for a database error.
Promise | SyncPromise

updateMemberSchedulePromise(identity, scheduleName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Change the name of the schedule for the given member's identity name.
Name Type Description
identity Name The member's identity name.
scheduleName string The new schedule name.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the member is updated, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error if there's no member with the given identity name in the database, or there's no schedule named scheduleName.
Promise | SyncPromise

updateSchedulePromise(scheduleName, schedule, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Update the schedule with scheduleName and replace the old object with the given schedule. Otherwise, if no schedule with name exists, a new schedule with name and the given schedule will be added to database.
Name Type Description
scheduleName string The name of the schedule. The name cannot be empty.
schedule Schedule The Schedule to update or add.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise that fulfills when the schedule is updated, or that is rejected with GroupManagerDb.Error if the name is empty, or other database error.
Promise | SyncPromise