new PibIndexedDb()
PibIndexedDb extends PibImpl and is used by the Pib class to store the
contents of the PIB using the browser's IndexedDB service.
- Source:
addCertificatePromise(certificate, useSync) → {Promise}
Add the certificate. If a certificate with the same name (without implicit
digest) already exists, then overwrite the certificate. If the key or
identity does not exist, they will be created. If no default certificate for
the key has been set, then set the added certificate as the default for the
key. If no default key was set for the identity, it will be set as the
default key for the identity. If no default identity was selected, the
certificate's identity becomes the default.
Name | Type | Description |
certificate |
CertificateV2 | The certificate to add. This copies the object. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the certificate is added.
- Type
- Promise
addIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync) → {Promise}
Add the identity. If the identity already exists, do nothing. If no default
identity has been set, set the added identity as the default.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity to add. This copies the name. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the identity is added.
- Type
- Promise
addKeyPromise(identityName, keyName, key, useSync) → {Promise}
Add the key. If a key with the same name already exists, overwrite the key.
If the identity does not exist, it will be created. If no default key for the
identity has been set, then set the added key as the default for the
identity. If no default identity has been set, identity becomes the default.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity that the key belongs to. This copies the name. |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. This copies the name. |
key |
Buffer | The public key bits. This copies the array. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the key is added.
- Type
- Promise
clearIdentitiesPromise(useSync) → {Promise}
Erase all certificates, keys, and identities.
Name | Type | Description |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the identities are cleared.
- Type
- Promise
getCertificatePromise(certificateName, useSync) → {Promise}
Get the certificate with name certificateName.
Name | Type | Description |
certificateName |
Name | The name of the certificate. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the CertificateV2, or a promise
rejected with Pib.Error if the certificate does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
getCertificatesOfKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Get a list of certificate names of the key with id keyName. The returned
certificate names can be used to create a PibCertificateContainer. With a
certificate name and a backend implementation, one can obtain the certificate.
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the set of certificate names as
an array of Name. The Name objects are fresh copies. If the key does not
exist, return an empty array.
- Type
- Promise
getDefaultCertificateOfKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Get the default certificate for the key with eyName.
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns a copy of the default
CertificateV2, or a promise rejected with Pib.Error if the default
certificate does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
getDefaultIdentityPromise(useSync) → {Promise}
Get the default identity.
Name | Type | Description |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the Name of the default
identity as a fresh copy, or a promise rejected with Pib.Error for no default
- Type
- Promise
getDefaultKeyOfIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync) → {Promise}
Get the name of the default key for the identity with name identityName.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the name of the default key as
a fresh copy, or a promise rejected with Pib.Error if the identity does not
- Type
- Promise
getIdentitiesPromise(useSync) → {Promise}
Get the names of all the identities.
Name | Type | Description |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns a fresh set of identity names
as an array of Name. The Name objects are fresh copies.
- Type
- Promise
getKeyBitsPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Get the key bits of a key with name keyName.
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the key bits as a Blob, or a
promise rejected with Pib.Error if the key does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
getKeysOfIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync)
Get all the key names of the identity with the name identityName. The
returned key names can be used to create a KeyContainer. With a key name and
a backend implementation, one can create a Key front end instance.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
SyncPromise} A promise which returns the set of key names as an array
of Name. The Name objects are fresh copies. If the identity does not exist,
return an empty array.
getTpmLocatorPromise(useSync) → {Promise}
Get the TPM Locator.
Name | Type | Description |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the TPM locator string.
- Type
- Promise
hasCertificatePromise(certificateName, useSync) → {Promise}
Check for the existence of a certificate with name certificateName.
Name | Type | Description |
certificateName |
Name | The name of the certificate. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns true if the certificate exists,
otherwise false.
- Type
- Promise
hasIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync) → {Promise}
Check for the existence of an identity.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns true if the identity exists,
otherwise false.
- Type
- Promise
hasKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Check for the existence of a key with keyName.
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which returns true if the key exists,
otherwise false. Return false if the identity does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
removeCertificatePromise(certificateName, useSync) → {Promise}
Remove the certificate with name certificateName. If the certificate does not
exist, do nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
certificateName |
Name | The name of the certificate. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the certificate is
- Type
- Promise
removeIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync) → {Promise}
Remove the identity and its related keys and certificates. If the default
identity is being removed, no default identity will be selected. If the
identity does not exist, do nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity to remove. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the identity is removed.
- Type
- Promise
removeKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Remove the key with keyName and its related certificates. If the key does not
exist, do nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the key is removed.
- Type
- Promise
setDefaultCertificateOfKeyPromise(keyName, certificateName, useSync) → {Promise}
Set the cert with name certificateName as the default for the key with
Name | Type | Description |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. |
certificateName |
Name | The name of the certificate. This copies the name. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the default certificate
is set, or a promise rejected with Pib.Error if the certificate with name
certificateName does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
setDefaultIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync) → {Promise}
Set the identity with the identityName as the default identity. If the
identity with identityName does not exist, then it will be created.
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name for the default identity. This copies the name. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the default identity is
- Type
- Promise
setDefaultKeyOfIdentityPromise(identityName, keyName, useSync) → {Promise}
Set the key with keyName as the default key for the identity with name
Name | Type | Description |
identityName |
Name | The name of the identity. This copies the name. |
keyName |
Name | The name of the key. This copies the name. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the default key is set,
or a promise rejected with Pib.Error if the key does not exist.
- Type
- Promise
setTpmLocatorPromise(tpmLocator, useSync) → {Promise}
Set the corresponding TPM information to tpmLocator. This method does not
reset the contents of the PIB.
Name | Type | Description |
tpmLocator |
string | The TPM locator string. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a rejected promise since this only supports async code. |
- Source:
A promise which fulfills when the TPM locator is set.
- Type
- Promise