Class: TpmBackEnd


new TpmBackEnd()

TpmBackEnd is an abstract base class for a TPM backend implementation which provides a TpmKeyHandle to the TPM front end. This class defines the interface that an actual TPM backend implementation should provide, for example TpmBackEndMemory.




(static) setKeyName(keyHandle, identityName, params)

Set the key name in keyHandle according to identityName and params.
Name Type Description
keyHandle TpmKeyHandle
identityName Name
params KeyParams

createKeyPromise(identityName, params, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Create a key for the identityName according to params.
Name Type Description
identityName Name The name if the identity.
params KeyParams The KeyParams for creating the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns a TpmKeyHandle of the created key, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error if the key cannot be created.
Promise | SyncPromise

deleteKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Delete the key with name keyName. If the key doesn't exist, do nothing. Note: Continuing to use existing Key handles on a deleted key results in undefined behavior.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key to delete.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which fulfills when finished, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error if the deletion fails.
Promise | SyncPromise

doCreateKeyPromise_(identityName, params, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

A protected method to create a key for identityName according to params. The created key is named as: //[keyId]/KEY . The key name is set in the returned TpmKeyHandle.
Name Type Description
identityName Name The name if the identity.
params KeyParams The KeyParams for creating the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns the TpmKeyHandle of the created key, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error if the key cannot be created.
Promise | SyncPromise

doDeleteKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

A protected method to delete the key with name keyName. If the key doesn't exist, do nothing.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key to delete.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which fulfills when finished, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error if the deletion fails.
Promise | SyncPromise

doGetKeyHandlePromise_(keyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

A protected method to get the handle of the key with name keyName.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns a TpmKeyHandle of the key, or returns null if the key does not exist.
Promise | SyncPromise

doHasKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

A protected method to check if the key with name keyName exists in the TPM.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns true if the key exists.
Promise | SyncPromise

doImportKeyPromise_(keyName, pkcs8, password, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

A protected method to import an encoded private key with name keyName in PKCS #8 format, possibly password-encrypted.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key to use in the TPM.
pkcs8 Buffer The input byte buffer. If the password is supplied, this is a PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is none, this is an unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
password Buffer The password for decrypting the private key. If the password is supplied, use it to decrypt the PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is null, import an unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which fulfills when finished, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error for an error importing the key.
Promise | SyncPromise

getKeyHandlePromise(keyName, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Get the handle of the key with name keyName. Calling getKeyHandle multiple times with the same keyName will return different TpmKeyHandle objects that all refer to the same key.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns a TpmKeyHandle of the key, or returns null if the key does not exist.
Promise | SyncPromise

hasKeyPromise(keyName, useSync) → {SyncPromise}

Check if the key with name keyName exists in the TPM.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which returns true if the key exists.

importKeyPromise(keyName, pkcs8, password, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}

Import an encoded private key with name keyName in PKCS #8 format, possibly password-encrypted.
Name Type Description
keyName Name The name of the key to use in the TPM.
pkcs8 Buffer The input byte buffer. If the password is supplied, this is a PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is none, this is an unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
password Buffer The password for decrypting the private key. If the password is supplied, use it to decrypt the PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is null, import an unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
useSync boolean (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise.
A promise which fulfills when finished, or a promise rejected with TpmBackEnd.Error for an error importing the key.
Promise | SyncPromise