new TpmPrivateKey()
A TpmPrivateKey holds an in-memory private key and provides cryptographic
operations such as for signing by the in-memory TPM.
Create an uninitialized TpmPrivateKey. You must call a load method to
initialize it, such as loadPkcs1.
- Source:
(static) bigIntegerToBuffer(bigInteger) → {Buffer}
Convert a BigInteger to a Buffer.
Name | Type | Description |
bigInteger |
BigInteger | The BigInteger. |
- Source:
The Buffer.
- Type
- Buffer
(static) encodePkcs1PrivateKeyFromRSAKey(rsaKey) → {Blob}
Encode the RSAKey private key as a PKCS #1 private key.
Name | Type | Description |
rsaKey |
RSAKey | The RSAKey private key. |
- Source:
The PKCS #1 private key DER.
- Type
- Blob
(static) encodePkcs8PrivateKey(privateKeyDer, oid, parameters) → {Blob}
Encode the private key to a PKCS #8 private key. We do this explicitly here
to avoid linking to extra OpenSSL libraries.
Name | Type | Description |
privateKeyDer |
Buffer | The input private key DER. |
oid |
OID | The OID of the privateKey. |
parameters |
DerNode | The DerNode of the parameters for the OID. |
- Source:
The PKCS #8 private key DER.
- Type
- Blob
(static) encodePublicKeyFromRSAKey(rsaKey) → {Blob}
Encode the public key values in the RSAKey private key as a
Name | Type | Description |
rsaKey |
RSAKey | The RSAKey private key with the public key values. |
- Source:
The SubjectPublicKeyInfo DER.
- Type
- Blob
(static) generatePrivateKeyPromise(keyParams, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}
Generate a key pair according to keyParams and return a new TpmPrivateKey
with the private key. You can get the public key with derivePublicKey.
Name | Type | Description |
keyParams |
KeyParams | The parameters of the key. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the new TpmPrivateKey,
or a promise rejected with Error if the key type is not supported, or a
promise rejected with TpmPrivateKey.Error for an invalid key size, or an
error generating.
- Type
- Promise | SyncPromise
decryptPromise(cipherText, algorithmType, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}
Decrypt the cipherText using this private key according the encryption
algorithmType. Only RSA encryption is supported for now.
Name | Type | Description |
cipherText |
Buffer | The cipher text byte buffer. |
algorithmType |
number | (optional) This decrypts according to algorithmType which is an int from the EncryptAlgorithmType enum. If omitted, use RsaOaep. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the decrypted data Blob,
or a promise rejected with TpmPrivateKey.Error if the private key is not
loaded, if decryption is not supported for this key type, or for error
- Type
- Promise | SyncPromise
derivePublicKey() → {Blob}
Get the encoded public key for this private key.
- Source:
TpmPrivateKey.Error if no private key is loaded, or error converting
to a public key.
The public key encoding Blob.
- Type
- Blob
loadPkcs1(encoding, keyType)
Load the unencrypted private key from a buffer with the PKCS #1 encoding.
This replaces any existing private key in this object.
Name | Type | Description |
encoding |
Buffer | The byte buffer with the private key encoding. |
keyType |
number | (optional) The KeyType, such as KeyType.RSA. If omitted or null, then partially decode the private key to determine the key type. |
- Source:
TpmPrivateKey.Error for errors decoding the key.
loadPkcs8(encoding, keyType)
Load the unencrypted private key from a buffer with the PKCS #8 encoding.
This replaces any existing private key in this object.
Name | Type | Description |
encoding |
Buffer | The byte buffer with the private key encoding. |
keyType |
number | (optional) The KeyType, such as KeyType.RSA. If omitted or null, then partially decode the private key to determine the key type. |
- Source:
TpmPrivateKey.Error for errors decoding the key.
signPromise(data, digestAlgorithm, useSync) → {Promise|SyncPromise}
Sign the data with this private key, returning a signature Blob.
Name | Type | Description |
data |
Buffer | The input byte buffer. |
digestAlgorithm |
number | The digest algorithm as an int from the DigestAlgorithm enum. |
useSync |
boolean | (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or an async Promise. |
- Source:
A promise which returns the signature Blob (or
an isNull Blob if this private key is not initialized), or a promise rejected
with TpmPrivateKey.Error for unrecognized digestAlgorithm or an error in
- Type
- Promise | SyncPromise
toPkcs1() → {Blob}
Get the encoded unencrypted private key in PKCS #1.
- Source:
If no private key is loaded, or error encoding.
- Type
- TpmPrivateKey.Error
The private key encoding Blob.
- Type
- Blob
toPkcs8() → {Blob}
Get the encoded unencrypted private key in PKCS #8.
- Source:
If no private key is loaded, or error encoding.
- Type
- TpmPrivateKey.Error
The private key encoding Blob.
- Type
- Blob