* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu>
* From ndn-cxx security by Yingdi Yu <yingdi@cs.ucla.edu>.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.
/** @ignore */
var Name = require('../../name.js').Name; /** @ignore */
var Blob = require('../../util/blob.js').Blob; /** @ignore */
var SecurityException = require('../security-exception.js').SecurityException; /** @ignore */
var IdentityCertificate = require('../certificate/identity-certificate.js').IdentityCertificate; /** @ignore */
var SyncPromise = require('../../util/sync-promise.js').SyncPromise; /** @ignore */
var IdentityStorage = require('./identity-storage.js').IdentityStorage;
* MemoryIdentityStorage extends IdentityStorage and implements its methods to
* store identity, public key and certificate objects in memory. The application
* must get the objects through its own means and add the objects to the
* MemoryIdentityStorage object. To use permanent file-based storage, see
* BasicIdentityStorage.
* @constructor
var MemoryIdentityStorage = function MemoryIdentityStorage()
// Call the base constructor.
// The map key is the identityName.toUri(). The value is the object
// {defaultKey // Name
// }.
this.identityStore = {};
// The default identity in identityStore, or "" if not defined.
this.defaultIdentity = "";
// The key is the keyName.toUri(). The value is the object
// {keyType, // number from KeyType
// keyDer // Blob
// defaultCertificate // Name
// }.
this.keyStore = {};
// The key is the key is the certificateName.toUri(). The value is the
// encoded certificate.
this.certificateStore = {};
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype = new IdentityStorage();
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.name = "MemoryIdentityStorage";
exports.MemoryIdentityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage;
* Check if the specified identity already exists.
* @param {Name} identityName The identity name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns true if the identity exists.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.doesIdentityExistPromise = function(identityName)
return SyncPromise.resolve
(this.identityStore[identityName.toUri()] !== undefined);
* Add a new identity. Do nothing if the identity already exists.
* @param {Name} identityName The identity name to be added.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the identity is added.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.addIdentityPromise = function(identityName)
var identityUri = identityName.toUri();
if (this.identityStore[identityUri] === undefined)
this.identityStore[identityUri] = { defaultKey: null };
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Check if the specified key already exists.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns true if the key exists.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.doesKeyExistPromise = function(keyName)
return SyncPromise.resolve(this.keyStore[keyName.toUri()] !== undefined);
* Add a public key to the identity storage. Also call addIdentity to ensure
* that the identityName for the key exists. However, if the key already
* exists, do nothing.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the public key to be added.
* @param {number} keyType Type of the public key to be added from KeyType, such
* as KeyType.RSA..
* @param {Blob} publicKeyDer A blob of the public key DER to be added.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when complete.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.addKeyPromise = function
(keyName, keyType, publicKeyDer)
if (keyName.size() === 0)
return SyncPromise.resolve();
if (this.doesKeyExist(keyName))
return SyncPromise.resolve();
var identityName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1);
this.keyStore[keyName.toUri()] =
{ keyType: keyType, keyDer: new Blob(publicKeyDer), defaultCertificate: null };
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Get the public key DER blob from the identity storage.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the requested public key.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns the DER Blob, or a promise
* rejected with SecurityException if the key doesn't exist.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.getKeyPromise = function(keyName)
if (keyName.size() === 0)
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.getKeyPromise: Empty keyName")));
var keyNameUri = keyName.toUri();
var entry = this.keyStore[keyNameUri];
if (entry === undefined)
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.getKeyPromise: The key does not exist")));
return SyncPromise.resolve(entry.keyDer);
* Check if the specified certificate already exists.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the certificate.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns true if the certificate exists.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.doesCertificateExistPromise = function
return SyncPromise.resolve
(this.certificateStore[certificateName.toUri()] !== undefined);
* Add a certificate to the identity storage. Also call addKey to ensure that
* the certificate key exists. If the certificate is already installed, don't
* replace it.
* @param {IdentityCertificate} certificate The certificate to be added. This
* makes a copy of the certificate.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when finished.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.addCertificatePromise = function(certificate)
var certificateName = certificate.getName();
var keyName = certificate.getPublicKeyName();
this.addKey(keyName, certificate.getPublicKeyInfo().getKeyType(),
if (this.doesCertificateExist(certificateName))
return SyncPromise.resolve();
// Insert the certificate.
// wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
this.certificateStore[certificateName.toUri()] = certificate.wireEncode();
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Get a certificate from the identity storage.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns the requested
* IdentityCertificate, or a promise rejected with SecurityException if the
* certificate doesn't exist.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.getCertificatePromise = function
var certificateNameUri = certificateName.toUri();
if (this.certificateStore[certificateNameUri] === undefined)
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.getCertificatePromise: The certificate does not exist")));
var certificate = new IdentityCertificate();
try {
} catch (ex) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.getCertificatePromise: The certificate cannot be decoded")));
return SyncPromise.resolve(certificate);
* Get the TPM locator associated with this storage.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a rejected promise
* since this only supports async code.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise which returns the TPM locator, or a
* promise rejected with SecurityException if the TPM locator doesn't exist.
IdentityStorage.prototype.getTpmLocatorPromise = function(useSync)
return SyncPromise.resolve("tpm-memory:");
* Get/Set Default *
* Get the default identity.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns the Name of default identity,
* or a promise rejected with SecurityException if the default identity is not
* set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.getDefaultIdentityPromise = function()
if (this.defaultIdentity.length === 0)
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.getDefaultIdentity: The default identity is not defined")));
return SyncPromise.resolve(new Name(this.defaultIdentity));
* Get the default key name for the specified identity.
* @param {Name} identityName The identity name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns the default key Name, or a
* promise rejected with SecurityException if the default key name for the
* identity is not set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.getDefaultKeyNameForIdentityPromise = function
var identityUri = identityName.toUri();
if (this.identityStore[identityUri] !== undefined) {
if (this.identityStore[identityUri].defaultKey != null)
return SyncPromise.resolve(this.identityStore[identityUri].defaultKey);
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("No default key set.")));
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error("Identity not found.")));
* Get the default certificate name for the specified key.
* @param {Name} keyName The key name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which returns the default certificate Name,
* or a promise rejected with SecurityException if the default certificate name
* for the key name is not set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.getDefaultCertificateNameForKeyPromise = function
var keyUri = keyName.toUri();
if (this.keyStore[keyUri] !== undefined) {
if (this.keyStore[keyUri].defaultCertificate != null)
return SyncPromise.resolve(this.keyStore[keyUri].defaultCertificate);
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("No default certificate set.")));
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error("Key not found.")));
* Set the default identity. If the identityName does not exist, then clear the
* default identity so that getDefaultIdentity() throws an exception.
* @param {Name} identityName The default identity name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the default identity is set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.setDefaultIdentityPromise = function
var identityUri = identityName.toUri();
if (this.identityStore[identityUri] !== undefined)
this.defaultIdentity = identityUri;
// The identity doesn't exist, so clear the default.
this.defaultIdentity = "";
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Set a key as the default key of an identity. The identity name is inferred
* from keyName.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key.
* @param {Name} identityNameCheck (optional) The identity name to check that the
* keyName contains the same identity name. If an empty name, it is ignored.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the default key name is
* set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.setDefaultKeyNameForIdentityPromise = function
(keyName, identityNameCheck)
identityNameCheck = (identityNameCheck instanceof Name) ? identityNameCheck : null;
var identityName = keyName.getPrefix(-1);
if (identityNameCheck != null && identityNameCheck.size() > 0 &&
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("The specified identity name does not match the key name")));
var identityUri = identityName.toUri();
if (this.identityStore[identityUri] !== undefined)
this.identityStore[identityUri].defaultKey = new Name(keyName);
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Set the default key name for the specified identity.
* @param {Name} keyName The key name.
* @param {Name} certificateName The certificate name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the default certificate
* name is set.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.setDefaultCertificateNameForKeyPromise = function
(keyName, certificateName)
var keyUri = keyName.toUri();
if (this.keyStore[keyUri] !== undefined)
this.keyStore[keyUri].defaultCertificate = new Name(certificateName);
return SyncPromise.resolve();
* Delete Methods *
* Delete a certificate.
* @param {Name} certificateName The certificate name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the certificate
* info is deleted.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.deleteCertificateInfoPromise = function
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.deleteCertificateInfoPromise is not implemented"));
* Delete a public key and related certificates.
* @param {Name} keyName The key name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the public key info is
* deleted.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.deletePublicKeyInfoPromise = function(keyName)
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.deletePublicKeyInfoPromise is not implemented"));
* Delete an identity and related public keys and certificates.
* @param {Name} identity The identity name.
* @return {SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when the identity info is
* deleted.
MemoryIdentityStorage.prototype.deleteIdentityInfoPromise = function(identity)
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("MemoryIdentityStorage.deleteIdentityInfoPromise is not implemented"));