* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu>
* From ndn-cxx security by Yingdi Yu <yingdi@cs.ucla.edu>.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.
/** @ignore */
var path = require('path'); /** @ignore */
var fs = require('fs'); /** @ignore */
var Crypto = require('../crypto.js'); /** @ignore */
var LOG = require('../log.js').Log.LOG; /** @ignore */
var Name = require('../name.js').Name; /** @ignore */
var Interest = require('../interest.js').Interest; /** @ignore */
var Data = require('../data.js').Data; /** @ignore */
var ContentType = require('../meta-info.js').ContentType; /** @ignore */
var Blob = require('../util/blob.js').Blob; /** @ignore */
var ConfigFile = require('../util/config-file.js').ConfigFile; /** @ignore */
var WireFormat = require('../encoding/wire-format.js').WireFormat; /** @ignore */
var SecurityException = require('./security-exception.js').SecurityException; /** @ignore */
var RsaKeyParams = require('./key-params.js').RsaKeyParams; /** @ignore */
var BasicIdentityStorage = require('./identity/basic-identity-storage.js').BasicIdentityStorage; /** @ignore */
var IdentityCertificate = require('./certificate/identity-certificate.js').IdentityCertificate; /** @ignore */
var Tpm = require('./tpm/tpm.js').Tpm; /** @ignore */
var TpmBackEndFile = require('./tpm/tpm-back-end-file.js').TpmBackEndFile; /** @ignore */
var TpmBackEndMemory = require('./tpm/tpm-back-end-memory.js').TpmBackEndMemory; /** @ignore */
var SyncPromise = require('../util/sync-promise.js').SyncPromise; /** @ignore */
var NdnCommon = require('../util/ndn-common.js').NdnCommon; /** @ignore */
var IdentityManager = require('./identity/identity-manager.js').IdentityManager; /** @ignore */
var CertificateV2 = require('./v2/certificate-v2.js').CertificateV2; /** @ignore */
var SigningInfo = require('./signing-info.js').SigningInfo; /** @ignore */
var Sha256WithRsaSignature = require('../sha256-with-rsa-signature.js').Sha256WithRsaSignature; /** @ignore */
var Sha256WithEcdsaSignature = require('../sha256-with-ecdsa-signature.js').Sha256WithEcdsaSignature; /** @ignore */
var DigestSha256Signature = require('../digest-sha256-signature.js').DigestSha256Signature; /** @ignore */
var HmacWithSha256Signature = require('../hmac-with-sha256-signature.js').HmacWithSha256Signature; /** @ignore */
var KeyLocator = require('../key-locator.js').KeyLocator; /** @ignore */
var KeyLocatorType = require('../key-locator.js').KeyLocatorType; /** @ignore */
var DigestAlgorithm = require('./security-types.js').DigestAlgorithm; /** @ignore */
var KeyType = require('./security-types.js').KeyType; /** @ignore */
var ValidityPeriod = require('./validity-period.js').ValidityPeriod; /** @ignore */
var VerificationHelpers = require('./verification-helpers.js').VerificationHelpers; /** @ignore */
var PublicKey = require('./certificate/public-key.js').PublicKey; /** @ignore */
var NoVerifyPolicyManager = require('./policy/no-verify-policy-manager.js').NoVerifyPolicyManager;
* A KeyChain provides a set of interfaces to the security library such as
* identity management, policy configuration and packet signing and verification.
* Note: This class is an experimental feature. See the API docs for more detail at
* http://named-data.net/doc/ndn-ccl-api/key-chain.html .
* There are four forms to create a KeyChain:
* KeyChain(pibLocator, tpmLocator, allowReset = false) - Create a KeyChain to
* use the PIB and TPM defined by the given locators, which creates a security
* v2 KeyChain that uses CertificateV2, Pib, Tpm and Validator (instead of v1
* Certificate, IdentityStorage, PrivateKeyStorage and PolicyManager).
* KeyChain(identityManager = null, policyManager = null) - Create a security v1
* KeyChain to use the optional identityManager and policyManager.
* KeyChain(pibImpl, tpmBackEnd, policyManager) - Create a KeyChain using this
* temporary constructor for the transition to security v2, which creates a
* security v2 KeyChain but still uses the v1 PolicyManager.
* Finally, the default constructor KeyChain() creates a KeyChain with the
* default PIB and TPM, which are platform-dependent and can be overridden
* system-wide or individually by the user. The default constructor creates a
* security v2 KeyChain that uses CertificateV2, Pib, Tpm and Validator.
* However, if the default security v1 database file still exists, and the
* default security v2 database file does not yet exists, then assume that the
* system is running an older NFD and create a security v1 KeyChain with the
* default IdentityManager and a NoVerifyPolicyManager.
* @param {string} pibLocator The PIB locator, e.g., "pib-sqlite3:/example/dir".
* @param {string} tpmLocator The TPM locator, e.g., "tpm-memory:".
* @param {boolean} allowReset (optional) If True, the PIB will be reset when
* the supplied tpmLocator mismatches the one in the PIB. If omitted, don't
* allow reset.
* @param {IdentityManager} identityManager (optional) The identity manager as a
* subclass of IdentityManager. If omitted, use the default IdentityManager
* constructor.
* @param {PolicyManager} policyManager: (optional) The policy manager as a
* subclass of PolicyManager. If omitted, use NoVerifyPolicyManager.
* @param {PibImpl} pibImpl The PibImpl when using the constructor form
* KeyChain(pibImpl, tpmBackEnd, policyManager).
* @param {TpmBackEnd} tpmBackEnd: The TpmBackEnd when using the constructor
* form KeyChain(pibImpl, tpmBackEnd, policyManager).
* @throws SecurityException if this is not in Node.js and this uses the default
* IdentityManager constructor. (See IdentityManager for details.)
* @constructor
var KeyChain = function KeyChain(arg1, arg2, arg3)
this.identityManager_ = null; // for security v1
this.policyManager_ = null; // for security v1
this.face_ = null; // for security v1
this.pib_ = null;
this.tpm_ = null;
if (arg1 == undefined) {
// The default constructor.
if (!ConfigFile)
// Assume we are in the browser.
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("KeyChain: The default KeyChain constructor is not supported in the browser"));
if (fs.existsSync(BasicIdentityStorage.getDefaultDatabaseFilePath()) &&
!fs.existsSync(PibSqlite3.getDefaultDatabaseFilePath())) {
// The security v1 SQLite file still exists and the security v2
// does not yet.
arg1 = new IdentityManager();
arg2 = new NoVerifyPolicyManager();
else {
// Set the security v2 locators to default empty strings.
arg1 = "";
arg2 = "";
if (typeof arg1 === 'string') {
var pibLocator = arg1;
var tpmLocator = arg2;
var allowReset = arg3;
if (allowReset == undefined)
allowReset = false;
this.isSecurityV1_ = false;
// PIB locator.
var pibScheme = [null];
var pibLocation = [null];
KeyChain.parseAndCheckPibLocator_(pibLocator, pibScheme, pibLocation);
var canonicalPibLocator = pibScheme[0] + ":" + pibLocation[0];
// Create the PIB and TPM, where Pib.initializePromise_ will complete the
// initialization the first time it is called in an asynchronous context. We
// can't do it here because this constructor cannot perform async operations.
this.pib_ = KeyChain.createPib_(canonicalPibLocator);
this.tpm_ = new Tpm("", "", null);
this.pib_.initializeTpm_ = this.tpm_;
this.pib_.initializePibLocator_ = pibLocator;
this.pib_.initializeTpmLocator_ = tpmLocator;
this.pib_.initializeAllowReset_ = allowReset;
this.tpm_.initializePib_ = this.pib_;
else if (arg1 instanceof PibImpl) {
var pibImpl = arg1;
var tpmBackEnd = arg2;
var policyManager = arg3;
this.isSecurityV1_ = false;
this.policyManager_ = policyManager;
this.pib_ = new Pib("", "", pibImpl);
this.tpm_ = new Tpm("", "", tpmBackEnd);
else {
var identityManager = arg1;
var policyManager = arg2;
this.isSecurityV1_ = true;
if (identityManager == undefined)
identityManager = new IdentityManager();
if (policyManager == undefined)
policyManager = new NoVerifyPolicyManager();
this.identityManager_ = identityManager;
this.policyManager_ = policyManager;
exports.KeyChain = KeyChain;
* Create a KeyChain.Error which represents an error in KeyChain processing.
* Call with: throw new KeyChain.Error(new Error("message")).
* @constructor
* @param {Error} error The exception created with new Error.
KeyChain.Error = function KeyChainError(error)
if (error) {
error.__proto__ = KeyChain.Error.prototype;
return error;
KeyChain.Error.prototype = new Error();
KeyChain.Error.prototype.name = "KeyChainError";
* @return {Pib}
KeyChain.prototype.getPib = function()
if (this.isSecurityV1_)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("getPib is not supported for security v1"));
return this.pib_;
* @return {Tpm}
KeyChain.prototype.getTpm = function()
if (this.isSecurityV1_)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("getTpm is not supported for security v1"));
return this.tpm_;
* Get the flag set by the constructor if this is a security v1 or v2 KeyChain.
* @return (boolean} True if this is a security v1 KeyChain, false if this is a
* security v2 KeyChain.
KeyChain.prototype.getIsSecurityV1 = function() { return this.isSecurityV1_; };
// Identity management
* Create a security V2 identity for identityName. This method will check if the
* identity exists in PIB and whether the identity has a default key and default
* certificate. If the identity does not exist, this method will create the
* identity in PIB. If the identity's default key does not exist, this method
* will create a key pair and set it as the identity's default key. If the key's
* default certificate is missing, this method will create a self-signed
* certificate for the key. If identityName did not exist and no default
* identity was selected before, the created identity will be set as the default
* identity.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use getDefaultKeyParams().
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that returns the created PibIdentity
* instance.
KeyChain.prototype.createIdentityV2Promise = function
(identityName, params, useSync)
useSync = (typeof params === "boolean") ? params : useSync;
params = (typeof params === "boolean" || !params) ? undefined : params;
if (params == undefined)
params = KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams();
var thisKeyChain = this;
var id;
return this.pib_.addIdentityPromise_(identityName, useSync)
.then(function(localId) {
id = localId;
return id.getDefaultKeyPromise(useSync)
.catch(function(err) {
if (err instanceof Pib.Error)
return thisKeyChain.createKeyPromise(id, params, useSync);
return SyncPromise.reject(err);
.then(function(key) {
return key.getDefaultCertificatePromise(useSync)
.catch(function(err) {
if (err instanceof Pib.Error) {
if (LOG > 2)
console.log("No default cert for " + key.getName() +
", requesting self-signing")
return thisKeyChain.selfSignPromise(key, useSync);
return SyncPromise.reject(err);
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.resolve(id);
* Create a security V2 identity for identityName. This method will check if the
* identity exists in PIB and whether the identity has a default key and default
* certificate. If the identity does not exist, this method will create the
* identity in PIB. If the identity's default key does not exist, this method
* will create a key pair and set it as the identity's default key. If the key's
* default certificate is missing, this method will create a self-signed
* certificate for the key. If identityName did not exist and no default
* identity was selected before, the created identity will be set as the default
* identity.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use getDefaultKeyParams().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls
* onComplete(identity) with the created PibIdentity instance. If omitted, the
* return value is described below. (Some database libraries only use a callback,
* so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {PibIdentity} If onComplete is omitted, return the created
* PibIdentity instance. Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return
* undefined and use onComplete as described above.
KeyChain.prototype.createIdentityV2 = function
(identityName, params, onComplete, onError)
onError = (typeof params === "function") ? onComplete : onError;
onComplete = (typeof params === "function") ? params : onComplete;
params = (typeof params === "function" || !params) ? undefined : params;
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.createIdentityV2Promise(identityName, params, !onComplete));
* This method has two forms:
* deleteIdentity(identity, useSync) - Delete the PibIdentity identity. After this
* operation, the identity is invalid.
* deleteIdentity(identityName, useSync) - Delete the identity from the public and
* private key storage. If the identity to be deleted is the current default s
* system default, the method will not delete the identity and will return
* immediately.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity The identity to delete.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity to delete.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete.
KeyChain.prototype.deleteIdentityPromise = function(identity, useSync)
var thisKeyChain = this;
if (identity instanceof Name) {
if (!this.isSecurityV1_) {
return this.pib_.getIdentityPromise(identity, useSync)
.then(function(pibIdentity) {
return thisKeyChain.deleteIdentityPromise(pibIdentity, useSync);
.catch(function(err) {
// Ignore errors.
return SyncPromise.resolve();
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("deleteIdentityPromise is not supported for security v1. Use deleteIdentity.")));
var identityName = identity.getName();
var keyNames = identity.getKeys_().getKeyNames();
// Make a recursive function to do the loop.
function deleteKeys(i) {
if (i >= keyNames.length)
// Done.
return SyncPromise.resolve();
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.deleteKeyPromise_(keyNames[i], useSync)
.then(function() {
// Recurse to the next iteration.
return deleteKeys(i + 1);
return deleteKeys(0)
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.pib_.removeIdentityPromise_(identityName, useSync);
// TODO: Mark identity as invalid.
* This method has two forms:
* deleteIdentity(identity, onComplete, onError) - Delete the PibIdentity
* identity (optionally using onComplete and onError callbacks). After this
* operation, the identity is invalid.
* deleteIdentity(identityName, onComplete, onError) - Delete the identity from
* the public and private key storage (optionally using onComplete and onError
* callbacks). If the identity to be deleted is the current default system
* default, the method will not delete the identity and will return immediately.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity The identity to delete.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity to delete.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.deleteIdentity = function(identity, onComplete, onError)
if (identity instanceof Name && this.isSecurityV1_) {
this.identityManager_.deleteIdentity(identity, onComplete, onError);
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.deleteIdentityPromise(identity, !onComplete));
* Set the identity as the default identity.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity The identity to make the default.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultIdentityPromise = function(identity, useSync)
return this.pib_.setDefaultIdentityPromise_(identity.getName(), useSync);
* Set the identity as the default identity.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity The identity to make the default.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultIdentity = function(identity, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.setDefaultIdentityPromise(identity, !onComplete));
// Key management
* Create a key for the identity according to params. If the identity had no
* default key selected, the created key will be set as the default for this
* identity. This method will also create a self-signed certificate for the
* created key.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use getDefaultKeyParams().
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that returns the new PibKey.
KeyChain.prototype.createKeyPromise = function(identity, params, useSync)
useSync = (typeof params === "boolean") ? params : useSync;
params = (typeof params === "boolean" || !params) ? undefined : params;
if (params == undefined)
params = KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams();
var thisKeyChain = this;
var key, keyName;
// Create the key in the TPM.
return this.tpm_.createKeyPromise_(identity.getName(), params, useSync)
.then(function(localKeyName) {
keyName = localKeyName;
// Set up the key info in the PIB.
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.getPublicKeyPromise(keyName, useSync);
.then(function(publicKey) {
return identity.addKeyPromise_(publicKey.buf(), keyName, useSync);
.then(function(localKey) {
key = localKey;
if (LOG > 2)
("Requesting self-signing for newly created key " + key.getName().toUri());
return thisKeyChain.selfSignPromise(key, useSync);
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.resolve(key);
* Create a key for the identity according to params. If the identity had no
* default key selected, the created key will be set as the default for this
* identity. This method will also create a self-signed certificate for the
* created key.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use getDefaultKeyParams().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete(key) with the
* new PibKey. If omitted, the return value is described below. (Some database
* libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {PibKey} If onComplete is omitted, return the new PibKey. Otherwise,
* if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete as
* described above.
KeyChain.prototype.createKey = function(identity, params, onComplete, onError)
onError = (typeof params === "function") ? onComplete : onError;
onComplete = (typeof params === "function") ? params : onComplete;
params = (typeof params === "function" || !params) ? undefined : params;
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.createKeyPromise(identity, params, !onComplete));
* Delete the given key of the given identity. The key becomes invalid.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {PibKey} key The key to delete.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete, or a promise rejected with Error if the key does not belong to the
* identity.
KeyChain.prototype.deleteKeyPromise = function(identity, key, useSync)
var keyName = key.getName();
if (!identity.getName().equals(key.getIdentityName()))
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("Identity `" + identity.getName().toUri() + "` does not match key `" +
keyName.toUri() + "`"));
var thisKeyChain = this;
return identity.removeKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync)
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.deleteKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync);
* Delete the given key of the given identity. The key becomes invalid.
* @param {PibIdentity} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {PibKey} key The key to delete.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @throws Error if the key does not belong to the identity. However, if
* onComplete and onError are defined, then if there is an exception return
* undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.deleteKey = function(identity, key, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.deleteKeyPromise(identity, key, !onComplete));
* Set the key as the default key of identity.
* @param {type} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {type} key The key to become the default.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete, or a promise rejected with Error if the key does not belong to the
* identity.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultKeyPromise = function(identity, key, useSync)
if (!identity.getName().equals(key.getIdentityName()))
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("Identity `" + identity.getName().toUri() + "` does not match key `" +
key.getName().toUri() + "`"));
return identity.setDefaultKeyPromise_(key.getName(), useSync);
* Set the key as the default key of identity.
* @param {type} identity A valid PibIdentity object.
* @param {type} key The key to become the default.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @throws Error if the key does not belong to the identity. However, if
* onComplete and onError are defined, then if there is an exception return
* undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultKey = function(identity, key, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.setDefaultKeyPromise(identity, key, !onComplete));
// Certificate management
* Add a certificate for the key. If the key had no default certificate
* selected, the added certificate will be set as the default certificate for
* this key.
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {CertificateV2} certificate The certificate to add. This copies the
* object.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete, or a promise rejected with Error if the key does not match the
* certificate.
KeyChain.prototype.addCertificatePromise = function(key, certificate, useSync)
if (!key.getName().equals(certificate.getKeyName()) ||
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("Key `" + key.getName().toUri() + "` does not match certificate `" +
certificate.getKeyName().toUri() + "`"));
return key.addCertificatePromise_(certificate, useSync);
* Add a certificate for the key. If the key had no default certificate
* selected, the added certificate will be set as the default certificate for
* this key.
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {CertificateV2} certificate The certificate to add. This copies the
* object.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @throws Error if the key does not match the certificate. However, if
* onComplete and onError are defined, then if there is an exception return
* undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.addCertificate = function
(key, certificate, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.addCertificatePromise(key, certificate, !onComplete));
* Delete the certificate with the given name from the given key. If the
* certificate does not exist, this does nothing.
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the certificate to delete.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete, or a promise rejected with Error if certificateName does not follow
* certificate naming conventions.
KeyChain.prototype.deleteCertificatePromise = function
(key, certificateName, useSync)
if (!CertificateV2.isValidName(certificateName))
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error
("Wrong certificate name `" + certificateName.toUri() + "`"));
return key.removeCertificatePromise_(certificateName, useSync);
* Delete the certificate with the given name from the given key. If the
* certificate does not exist, this does nothing.
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the certificate to delete.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @throws Error if certificateName does not follow certificate naming
* conventions. However, if onComplete and onError are defined, then if there is
* an exception return undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.deleteCertificate = function
(key, certificateName, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.deleteCertificatePromise(key, certificateName, !onComplete));
* Set the certificate as the default certificate of the key. The certificate
* will be added to the key, potentially overriding an existing certificate if
* it has the same name (without considering implicit digest).
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {CertificateV2} certificate The certificate to become the default.
* This copies the object.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that fulfills when the operation is
* complete.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultCertificatePromise = function
(key, certificate, useSync)
// This replaces the certificate it it exists.
return this.addCertificatePromise(key, certificate, useSync)
.then(function() {
return key.setDefaultCertificatePromise_(certificate.getName(), useSync);
* Set the certificate as the default certificate of the key. The certificate
* will be added to the key, potentially overriding an existing certificate if
* it has the same name (without considering implicit digest).
* @param {PibKey} key A valid PibKey object.
* @param {CertificateV2} certificate The certificate to become the default.
* This copies the object.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when the
* operation is complete. If omitted, do not use it. (Some database libraries
* only use a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultCertificate = function
(key, certificate, onComplete, onError)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.setDefaultCertificatePromise(key, certificate, !onComplete));
// Signing
* Sign the target. If it is a Data or Interest object, set its signature. If it
* is a Buffer, produce a Signature object.
* @param {Data|Interest|Buffer} target If this is a Data object, wire encode
* for signing, replace its Signature object based on the type of key and other
* info in the SigningInfo params or default identity, and update the
* wireEncoding. If this is an Interest object, wire encode for signing, append
* a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, sign the name components and append a
* final name component with the signature bits. If it is a buffer, sign it and
* return a Signature object.
* @param {SigningInfo|Name} paramsOrCertificateName (optional) If a SigningInfo,
* it is the signing parameters. If a Name, it is the certificate name of the
* key to use for signing. If omitted and this is a security v1 KeyChain then
* use the IdentityManager to get the default identity. Otherwise, use the PIB
* to get the default key of the default identity.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that returns the target (if target is
* Data or Interest), or returns the generated Signature object (if target is a
* Buffer).
KeyChain.prototype.signPromise = function
(target, paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, useSync)
var arg2 = paramsOrCertificateName;
var arg3 = wireFormat;
var arg4 = useSync;
// arg2, arg3, arg4
// paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, useSync
// paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, null
// paramsOrCertificateName, useSync, null
// paramsOrCertificateName, null, null
// wireFormat, useSync, null
// wireFormat, null, null
// useSync, null, null
// null, null, null
if (arg2 instanceof SigningInfo || arg2 instanceof Name)
paramsOrCertificateName = arg2;
paramsOrCertificateName = undefined;
if (arg2 instanceof WireFormat)
wireFormat = arg2;
else if (arg3 instanceof WireFormat)
wireFormat = arg3;
wireFormat = undefined;
if (typeof arg2 === "boolean")
useSync = arg2;
else if (typeof arg3 === "boolean")
useSync = arg3;
else if (typeof arg4 === "boolean")
useSync = arg4;
useSync = false;
if (wireFormat == undefined)
wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat();
var thisKeyChain = this;
return SyncPromise.resolve()
.then(function() {
if (paramsOrCertificateName == undefined) {
// Convert sign(target) into sign(target, paramsOrCertificateName)
if (thisKeyChain.isSecurityV1_) {
return thisKeyChain.prepareDefaultCertificateNamePromise_(useSync)
.then(function(name) {
paramsOrCertificateName = name;
return SyncPromise.resolve();
else {
paramsOrCertificateName = KeyChain.defaultSigningInfo_;
return SyncPromise.resolve();
return SyncPromise.resolve();
.then(function() {
if (paramsOrCertificateName instanceof Name) {
var certificateName = paramsOrCertificateName;
if (!thisKeyChain.isSecurityV1_) {
// Make and use a SigningInfo for backwards compatibility.
if (!((target instanceof Interest) || (target instanceof Data)))
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("sign(buffer, certificateName) is not supported for security v2. Use sign with SigningInfo.")));
var signingInfo = new SigningInfo();
return thisKeyChain.signPromise(target, signingInfo, wireFormat, useSync)
.catch(function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("Error in sign: " + err)));
else {
if (target instanceof Interest)
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.signInterestByCertificatePromise
(target, certificateName, wireFormat, useSync);
else if (target instanceof Data)
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.signByCertificatePromise
(target, certificateName, wireFormat, useSync);
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.signByCertificatePromise
(target, certificateName, useSync);
var params = paramsOrCertificateName;
if (target instanceof Data) {
var data = target;
var keyName = [null];
return thisKeyChain.prepareSignatureInfoPromise_(params, keyName, useSync)
.then(function(signatureInfo) {
// Encode once to get the signed portion.
var encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat);
return thisKeyChain.signBufferPromise_
(encoding.signedBuf(), keyName[0], params.getDigestAlgorithm(), useSync);
.then(function(signatureBytes) {
// Encode again to include the signature.
return SyncPromise.resolve(data);
else if (target instanceof Interest) {
var interest = target;
var signatureInfo;
var keyName = [null];
return thisKeyChain.prepareSignatureInfoPromise_(params, keyName, useSync)
.then(function(localSignatureInfo) {
signatureInfo = localSignatureInfo;
// Append the encoded SignatureInfo.
// Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
interest.getName().append(new Name.Component());
// Encode once to get the signed portion, and sign.
var encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat);
return thisKeyChain.signBufferPromise_
(encoding.signedBuf(), keyName[0], params.getDigestAlgorithm(), useSync);
.then(function(signatureBytes) {
// Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
return SyncPromise.resolve(interest);
else {
var buffer = target;
var keyName = [null];
return thisKeyChain.prepareSignatureInfoPromise_(params, keyName, useSync)
.then(function(signatureInfo) {
return thisKeyChain.signBufferPromise_
(buffer, keyName[0], params.getDigestAlgorithm(), useSync);
* Sign the target. If it is a Data or Interest object, set its signature. If it
* is a Buffer, produce a Signature object.
* @param {Data|Interest|Buffer} target If this is a Data object, wire encode
* for signing, replace its Signature object based on the type of key and other
* info in the SigningInfo params or default identity, and update the
* wireEncoding. If this is an Interest object, wire encode for signing, append
* a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, sign the name components and append a
* final name component with the signature bits. If it is a buffer, sign it and
* return a Signature object.
* @param {SigningInfo|Name} paramsOrCertificateName (optional) If a SigningInfo,
* it is the signing parameters. If a Name, it is the certificate name of the
* key to use for signing. If omitted and this is a security v1 KeyChain then
* use the IdentityManager to get the default identity. Otherwise, use the PIB
* to get the default key of the default identity.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) If target is a Data object, this calls
* onComplete(data) with the supplied Data object which has been modified to set
* its signature. If target is an Interest object, this calls
* onComplete(interest) with the supplied Interest object which has been
* modified to set its signature. If target is a Buffer, this calls
* onComplete(signature) where signature is the produced Signature object. If
* omitted, the return value is described below. (Some crypto libraries only use
* a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {Signature} If onComplete is omitted, return the generated Signature
* object (if target is a Buffer) or the target (if target is Data or Interest).
* Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete as
* described above.
KeyChain.prototype.sign = function
(target, paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, onComplete, onError)
var arg2 = paramsOrCertificateName;
var arg3 = wireFormat;
var arg4 = onComplete;
var arg5 = onError;
// arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5
// paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, onComplete, onError
// paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, null, null
// paramsOrCertificateName, onComplete, onError, null
// paramsOrCertificateName, null, null, null
// wireFormat, onComplete, onError, null
// wireFormat, null, null, null
// onComplete, onError, null, null
// null, null, null, null
if (arg2 instanceof SigningInfo || arg2 instanceof Name)
paramsOrCertificateName = arg2;
paramsOrCertificateName = null;
if (arg2 instanceof WireFormat)
wireFormat = arg2;
else if (arg3 instanceof WireFormat)
wireFormat = arg3;
wireFormat = null;
if (typeof arg2 === "function") {
onComplete = arg2;
onError = arg3;
else if (typeof arg3 === "function") {
onComplete = arg3;
onError = arg4;
else if (typeof arg4 === "function") {
onComplete = arg4;
onError = arg5;
else {
onComplete = null;
onError = null;
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.signPromise(target, paramsOrCertificateName, wireFormat, !onComplete));
* Generate a self-signed certificate for the public key and add it to the PIB.
* This creates the certificate name from the key name by appending "self" and a
* version based on the current time. If no default certificate for the key has
* been set, then set the certificate as the default for the key.
* @param {PibKey} key The PibKey with the key name and public key.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the certificate. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that returns the new CertificateV2.
KeyChain.prototype.selfSignPromise = function(key, wireFormat, useSync)
var arg2 = wireFormat;
var arg3 = useSync;
// arg2, arg3
// wireFormat, useSync
// wireFormat, null
// useSync, null
if (arg2 instanceof WireFormat)
wireFormat = arg2;
wireFormat = undefined;
if (typeof arg2 === "boolean")
useSync = arg2;
else if (typeof arg3 === "boolean")
useSync = arg3;
useSync = false;
if (wireFormat == undefined)
wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat();
var certificate = new CertificateV2();
// Set the name.
var now = new Date().getTime();
var certificateName = new Name(key.getName());
// Set the MetaInfo.
// Set a one-hour freshness period.
certificate.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod(3600 * 1000.0);
// Set the content.
// Set the signature-info.
signingInfo = new SigningInfo(key);
// Set a 20-year validity period.
(new ValidityPeriod(now, now + 20 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000.0));
return this.signPromise(certificate, signingInfo, wireFormat, useSync)
.then(function() {
return key.addCertificatePromise_(certificate, useSync)
.catch(function(ex) {
// We don't expect this since we just created the certificate.
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Error encoding certificate: " + ex)));
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.resolve(certificate);
* Generate a self-signed certificate for the public key and add it to the PIB.
* This creates the certificate name from the key name by appending "self" and a
* version based on the current time. If no default certificate for the key has
* been set, then set the certificate as the default for the key.
* @param {PibKey} key The PibKey with the key name and public key.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the certificate. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls
* onComplete(certificate) with the new CertificateV2. If omitted, the return
* value is described below. (Some crypto libraries only use a callback, so
* onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {CertificateV2} If onComplete is omitted, return the new certificate.
* Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete
* as described above.
KeyChain.prototype.selfSign = function(key, wireFormat, onComplete, onError)
if (typeof wireFormat === 'function') {
// wireFormat is omitted, so shift.
onError = onComplete;
onComplete = wireFormat;
wireFormat = undefined;
if (wireFormat == undefined)
wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat();
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.selfSignPromise(key, wireFormat, !onComplete));
// Import and export
* Import a certificate and its corresponding private key encapsulated in a
* SafeBag. If the certificate and key are imported properly, the default
* setting will be updated as if a new key and certificate is added into this
* KeyChain.
* @param {SafeBag} safeBag The SafeBag containing the certificate and private
* key. This copies the values from the SafeBag.
* @param {Buffer} password (optional) The password for decrypting the private
* key. If the password is supplied, use it to decrypt the PKCS #8
* EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is omitted or null, import an
* unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise which fulfills when finished.
KeyChain.prototype.importSafeBagPromise = function(safeBag, password, useSync)
if (typeof password === 'boolean') {
// password is omitted, so shift.
useSync = password;
password = undefined;
var certificate;
try {
certificate = new CertificateV2(safeBag.getCertificate());
} catch (ex) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new Error("Error reading CertificateV2: " + ex));
var identity = certificate.getIdentity();
var keyName = certificate.getKeyName();
var publicKeyBits = certificate.getPublicKey();
var content = new Blob([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]);
var signatureBits;
var thisKeyChain = this;
return SyncPromise.resolve()
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.hasKeyPromise(keyName, useSync);
.then(function(hasKey) {
if (hasKey)
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Private key `" + keyName.toUri() + "` already exists")));
return thisKeyChain.pib_.getIdentityPromise(identity, useSync)
.then(function(existingId) {
return existingId.getKeyPromise(keyName, useSync);
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Public key `" + keyName.toUri() + "` already exists")));
}, function(err) {
// Either the identity or the key doesn't exist, so OK to import.
return SyncPromise.resolve();
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.importPrivateKeyPromise_
(keyName, safeBag.getPrivateKeyBag().buf(), password, useSync)
.catch(function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Failed to import private key `" + keyName.toUri() + "`: " + err)));
.then(function() {
// Check the consistency of the private key and certificate.
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.signPromise
(content.buf(), keyName, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, useSync)
.then(function(localSignatureBits) {
signatureBits = localSignatureBits;
return SyncPromise.resolve();
}, function(err) {
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.deleteKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync)
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Invalid private key `" + keyName.toUri() + "`")));
.then(function() {
var publicKey;
try {
publicKey = new PublicKey(publicKeyBits);
} catch (ex) {
// Promote to KeyChain.Error.
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.deleteKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync)
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Error decoding public key " + ex)));
return VerificationHelpers.verifySignaturePromise
(content, signatureBits, publicKey, useSync);
.then(function(isVerified) {
if (!isVerified) {
return thisKeyChain.tpm_.deleteKeyPromise_(keyName, useSync)
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Certificate `" + certificate.getName().toUri() +
"` and private key `" + keyName.toUri() + "` do not match")));
// The consistency is verified. Add to the PIB.
return thisKeyChain.pib_.addIdentityPromise_(identity, useSync);
.then(function(id) {
return id.addKeyPromise_(certificate.getPublicKey().buf(), keyName, useSync);
.then(function(key) {
return key.addCertificatePromise_(certificate, useSync);
* Import a certificate and its corresponding private key encapsulated in a
* SafeBag. If the certificate and key are imported properly, the default
* setting will be updated as if a new key and certificate is added into this
* KeyChain.
* @param {SafeBag} safeBag The SafeBag containing the certificate and private
* key. This copies the values from the SafeBag.
* @param {Buffer} password (optional) The password for decrypting the private
* key. If the password is supplied, use it to decrypt the PKCS #8
* EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo. If the password is omitted or null, import an
* unencrypted PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when finished.
* If omitted, just return when finished. (Some crypto libraries only use a
* callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some crypto libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.importSafeBag = function
(safeBag, password, onComplete, onError)
onError = (typeof password === "function") ? onComplete : onError;
onComplete = (typeof password === "function") ? password : onComplete;
password = (typeof password === "function") ? null : password;
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
this.importSafeBagPromise(safeBag, password, !onComplete));
// PIB & TPM backend registry
* Add to the PIB factories map where scheme is the key and makePibImpl is the
* value. If your application has its own PIB implementations, this must be
* called before creating a KeyChain instance which uses your PIB scheme.
* @param {string} scheme The PIB scheme.
* @param {function} makePibImpl A callback which takes the PIB location and
* returns a new PibImpl instance.
KeyChain.registerPibBackend = function(scheme, makePibImpl)
KeyChain.getPibFactories_()[scheme] = makePibImpl;
* Add to the TPM factories map where scheme is the key and makeTpmBackEnd is
* the value. If your application has its own TPM implementations, this must be
* called before creating a KeyChain instance which uses your TPM scheme.
* @param {string} scheme The TPM scheme.
* @param {function} makeTpmBackEnd A callback which takes the TPM location and
* returns a new TpmBackEnd instance.
KeyChain.registerTpmBackend = function(scheme, makeTpmBackEnd)
KeyChain.getTpmFactories_()[scheme] = makeTpmBackEnd;
// Security v1 methods
* Identity Management *
* Create an identity by creating a pair of Key-Signing-Key (KSK) for this
* identity and a self-signed certificate of the KSK. If a key pair or
* certificate for the identity already exists, use it.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete(certificateName)
* with name of the default certificate of the identity. If omitted, the return
* value is described below. (Some crypto libraries only use a callback, so
* onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {Name} If onComplete is omitted, return the name of the default
* certificate of the identity. Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return
* undefined and use onComplete as described above.
KeyChain.prototype.createIdentityAndCertificate = function
(identityName, params, onComplete, onError)
onError = (typeof params === "function") ? onComplete : onError;
onComplete = (typeof params === "function") ? params : onComplete;
params = (typeof params === "function" || !params) ?
KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams() : params;
return this.identityManager_.createIdentityAndCertificate
(identityName, params, onComplete, onError);
* Create an identity by creating a pair of Key-Signing-Key (KSK) for this
* identity and a self-signed certificate of the KSK. If a key pair or
* certificate for the identity already exists, use it.
* @deprecated Use createIdentityAndCertificate which returns the
* certificate name instead of the key name. You can use
* IdentityCertificate.certificateNameToPublicKeyName to convert the
* certificate name to the key name.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {KeyParams} params (optional) The key parameters if a key needs to be
* generated for the identity. If omitted, use KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams().
* @return {Name} The key name of the auto-generated KSK of the identity.
KeyChain.prototype.createIdentity = function(identityName, params)
return IdentityCertificate.certificateNameToPublicKeyName
(this.createIdentityAndCertificate(identityName, params));
* Get the default identity.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete(identityName)
* with name of the default identity. If omitted, the return value is described
* below. (Some crypto libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required
* to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* @return {Name} If onComplete is omitted, return the name of the default
* identity. Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use
* onComplete as described above.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @throws SecurityException if the default identity is not set. However, if
* onComplete and onError are defined, then if there is an exception return
* undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.getDefaultIdentity = function(onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_) {
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
.then(function(pibIdentity) {
return SyncPromise.resolve(pibIdentity.getName());
return this.identityManager_.getDefaultIdentity(onComplete, onError);
* Get the default certificate name of the default identity, which will be used
* when signing is based on identity and the identity is not specified.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete(certificateName)
* with name of the default certificate. If omitted, the return value is described
* below. (Some crypto libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required
* to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {Name} If onComplete is omitted, return the default certificate name.
* Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete
* as described above.
* @throws SecurityException if the default identity is not set or the default
* key name for the identity is not set or the default certificate name for
* the key name is not set. However, if onComplete and onError are defined, then
* if there is an exception return undefined and call onError(exception).
KeyChain.prototype.getDefaultCertificateName = function(onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_) {
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
.then(function(identity) {
return identity.getDefaultKeyPromise(!onComplete);
.then(function(key) {
return key.getDefaultCertificatePromise(!onComplete);
.then(function(certificate) {
return SyncPromise.resolve(certificate.getName());
return this.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificateName(onComplete, onError);
* Generate a pair of RSA keys for the specified identity.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {boolean} isKsk (optional) true for generating a Key-Signing-Key (KSK),
* false for a Data-Signing-Key (DSK). If omitted, generate a Data-Signing-Key.
* @param {number} keySize (optional) The size of the key. If omitted, use a
* default secure key size.
* @return {Name} The generated key name.
KeyChain.prototype.generateRSAKeyPair = function(identityName, isKsk, keySize)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("generateRSAKeyPair is not supported for security v2. Use createIdentityV2."));
keySize = (typeof isKsk === "boolean") ? isKsk : keySize;
isKsk = (typeof isKsk === "boolean") ? isKsk : false;
if (!keySize)
keySize = 2048;
return this.identityManager_.generateRSAKeyPair(identityName, isKsk, keySize);
* Set a key as the default key of an identity. The identity name is inferred
* from keyName.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key.
* @param {Name} identityNameCheck (optional) The identity name to check that the
* keyName contains the same identity name. If an empty name, it is ignored.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when complete.
* (Some database libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required to
* use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultKeyForIdentity = function
(keyName, identityNameCheck, onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("setDefaultKeyForIdentity is not supported for security v2. Use getPib() methods."))));
return this.identityManager_.setDefaultKeyForIdentity
(keyName, identityNameCheck, onComplete, onError);
* Generate a pair of RSA keys for the specified identity and set it as the
* default key for the identity.
* @param {Name} identityName The name of the identity.
* @param {boolean} isKsk (optional) true for generating a Key-Signing-Key (KSK),
* false for a Data-Signing-Key (DSK). If omitted, generate a Data-Signing-Key.
* @param {number} keySize (optional) The size of the key. If omitted, use a
* default secure key size.
* @return {Name} The generated key name.
KeyChain.prototype.generateRSAKeyPairAsDefault = function
(identityName, isKsk, keySize)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("generateRSAKeyPairAsDefault is not supported for security v2. Use createIdentityV2."));
return this.identityManager_.generateRSAKeyPairAsDefault
(identityName, isKsk, keySize);
* Create a public key signing request.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key.
* @return {Blob} The signing request data.
KeyChain.prototype.createSigningRequest = function(keyName)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_) {
var useSync = true;
return SyncPromise.complete(null, null,
(PibKey.extractIdentityFromKeyName(keyName, useSync))
.then(function(identity) {
return identity.getKeyPromise(keyName, useSync);
.then(function(key) {
return SyncPromise.resolve(key.getPublicKey());
return this.identityManager_.getPublicKey(keyName).getKeyDer();
* Install an identity certificate into the public key identity storage.
* @param {IdentityCertificate} certificate The certificate to to added.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when complete.
* (Some database libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required to
* use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.installIdentityCertificate = function
(certificate, onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("installIdentityCertificate is not supported for security v2. Use getPib() methods."))));
this.identityManager_.addCertificate(certificate, onComplete, onError);
* Set the certificate as the default for its corresponding key.
* @param {IdentityCertificate} certificate The certificate.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete() when complete.
* (Some database libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is required to
* use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultCertificateForKey = function
(certificate, onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("setDefaultCertificateForKey is not supported for security v2. Use getPib() methods."))));
(certificate, onComplete, onError);
* Get a certificate which is still valid with the specified name.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the requested certificate.
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) This calls onComplete(certificate)
* with the requested IdentityCertificate. If omitted, the return value is
* described below. (Some crypto libraries only use a callback, so onComplete is
* required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {IdentityCertificate} If onComplete is omitted, return the requested
* certificate. Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and
* use onComplete as described above.
KeyChain.prototype.getCertificate = function
(certificateName, onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("getCertificate is not supported for security v2. Use getPib() methods."))));
return this.identityManager_.getCertificate
(certificateName, onComplete, onError);
* @deprecated Use getCertificate.
KeyChain.prototype.getIdentityCertificate = function
(certificateName, onComplete, onError)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("getIdentityCertificate is not supported for security v2. Use getPib() methods."))));
return this.identityManager_.getCertificate
(certificateName, onComplete, onError);
* Revoke a key.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key that will be revoked.
KeyChain.prototype.revokeKey = function(keyName)
//TODO: Implement
* Revoke a certificate.
* @param {Name} certificateName The name of the certificate that will be
* revoked.
KeyChain.prototype.revokeCertificate = function(certificateName)
//TODO: Implement
* Get the identity manager given to or created by the constructor.
* @return {IdentityManager} The identity manager.
KeyChain.prototype.getIdentityManager = function()
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("getIdentityManager is not supported for security v2"));
return this.identityManager_;
* Policy Management *
* Get the policy manager given to or created by the constructor.
* @return {PolicyManager} The policy manager.
KeyChain.prototype.getPolicyManager = function()
return this.policyManager_;
* Sign/Verify *
* Sign the target. If it is a Data object, set its signature. If it is an
* array, produce a signature object.
* @param {Data|Buffer} target If this is a Data object, wire encode for
* signing, update its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding. If it
* is an array, sign it and return a Signature object.
* @param {Name} identityName (optional) The identity name for the key to use for
* signing. If omitted, infer the signing identity from the data packet name.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @param {function} onComplete (optional) If target is a Data object, this calls
* onComplete(data) with the supplied Data object which has been modified to set
* its signature. If target is a Buffer, this calls
* onComplete(signature) where signature is the produced Signature object. If
* omitted, the return value is described below. (Some crypto libraries only use
* a callback, so onComplete is required to use these.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError (optional) If defined, then onComplete must be
* defined and if there is an exception, then this calls onError(exception)
* with the exception. If onComplete is defined but onError is undefined, then
* this will log any thrown exception. (Some database libraries only use a
* callback, so onError is required to be notified of an exception.)
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @return {Signature} If onComplete is omitted, return the generated Signature
* object (if target is a Buffer) or undefined (if target is Data).
* Otherwise, if onComplete is supplied then return undefined and use onComplete
* as described above.
KeyChain.prototype.signByIdentity = function
(target, identityName, wireFormat, onComplete, onError)
onError = (typeof wireFormat === "function") ? onComplete : onError;
onComplete = (typeof wireFormat === "function") ? wireFormat : onComplete;
wireFormat = (typeof wireFormat === "function" || !wireFormat) ? WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() : wireFormat;
if (!this.isSecurityV1_)
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
SyncPromise.reject(new SecurityException(new Error
("signByIdentity(buffer, identityName) is not supported for security v2. Use sign with SigningInfo."))));
var useSync = !onComplete;
var thisKeyChain = this;
if (identityName == null)
identityName = new Name();
if (target instanceof Data) {
var data = target;
var mainPromise = SyncPromise.resolve()
.then(function() {
if (identityName.size() == 0) {
var inferredIdentity = thisKeyChain.policyManager_.inferSigningIdentity
if (inferredIdentity.size() == 0)
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificateNamePromise
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentityPromise
(inferredIdentity, useSync);
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentityPromise
(identityName, useSync);
.then(function(signingCertificateName) {
if (signingCertificateName.size() == 0)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("No qualified certificate name found!"));
if (!thisKeyChain.policyManager_.checkSigningPolicy
(data.getName(), signingCertificateName))
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("Signing Cert name does not comply with signing policy"));
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.signByCertificatePromise
(data, signingCertificateName, wireFormat, useSync);
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError, mainPromise);
else {
var array = target;
return SyncPromise.complete(onComplete, onError,
(identityName, useSync)
.then(function(signingCertificateName) {
if (signingCertificateName.size() == 0)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("No qualified certificate name found!"));
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.signByCertificatePromise
(array, signingCertificateName, wireFormat, useSync);
* Sign the target using DigestSha256.
* @param {Data|Interest} target If this is a Data object, wire encode for
* signing, digest it and set its SignatureInfo to a DigestSha256, updating its
* signature and wireEncoding. If this is an Interest object, wire encode for
* signing, append a SignatureInfo for DigestSha256 to the Interest name, digest
* the name components and append a final name component with the signature bits.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
KeyChain.prototype.signWithSha256 = function(target, wireFormat)
if (!this.isSecurityV1_) {
var signingInfo = SigningInfo();
this.sign(target, signingInfo, wireFormat);
if (target instanceof Interest)
this.identityManager_.signInterestWithSha256(target, wireFormat);
this.identityManager_.signWithSha256(target, wireFormat);
* Check the signature on the Data object and call either onVerify or
* onValidationFailed. We use callback functions because verify may fetch
* information to check the signature.
* @param {Data} data The Data object with the signature to check.
* @param {function} onVerified If the signature is verified, this calls
* onVerified(data).
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onValidationFailed If the signature check fails, this calls
* onValidationFailed(data, reason) with the Data object and reason string.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {number} stepCount
KeyChain.prototype.verifyData = function
(data, onVerified, onValidationFailed, stepCount)
if (stepCount == null)
stepCount = 0;
if (this.policyManager_.requireVerify(data)) {
var nextStep = this.policyManager_.checkVerificationPolicy
(data, stepCount, onVerified, onValidationFailed);
if (nextStep != null) {
var thisKeyChain = this;
function(callbackInterest, callbackData) {
thisKeyChain.onCertificateData(callbackInterest, callbackData, nextStep);
function(callbackInterest) {
(callbackInterest, nextStep.retry, onValidationFailed, data, nextStep);
else if (this.policyManager_.skipVerifyAndTrust(data)) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onVerified: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
else {
try {
(data, "The packet has no verify rule but skipVerifyAndTrust is false");
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onValidationFailed: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
* Check the signature on the signed interest and call either onVerify or
* onValidationFailed. We use callback functions because verify may fetch
* information to check the signature.
* @param {Interest} interest The interest with the signature to check.
* @param {function} onVerified If the signature is verified, this calls
* onVerified(interest).
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onValidationFailed If the signature check fails, this calls
* onValidationFailed(interest, reason) with the Interest object and reason
* string.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
KeyChain.prototype.verifyInterest = function
(interest, onVerified, onValidationFailed, stepCount, wireFormat)
if (stepCount == null)
stepCount = 0;
wireFormat = (wireFormat || WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat());
if (this.policyManager_.requireVerify(interest)) {
var nextStep = this.policyManager_.checkVerificationPolicy
(interest, stepCount, onVerified, onValidationFailed, wireFormat);
if (nextStep != null) {
var thisKeyChain = this;
function(callbackInterest, callbackData) {
thisKeyChain.onCertificateData(callbackInterest, callbackData, nextStep);
function(callbackInterest) {
(callbackInterest, nextStep.retry, onValidationFailed, interest,
else if (this.policyManager_.skipVerifyAndTrust(interest)) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onVerified: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
else {
try {
"The packet has no verify rule but skipVerifyAndTrust is false");
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onValidationFailed: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
* Set the Face which will be used to fetch required certificates.
* @param {Face} face A pointer to the Face object.
KeyChain.prototype.setFace = function(face)
this.face_ = face;
* Wire encode the target, compute an HmacWithSha256 and update the object.
* Note: This method is an experimental feature. The API may change.
* @param {Data|Interest} target If the target is a Data object (which should
* already have an HmacWithSha256Signature with a KeyLocator for the key name),
* then update its signature and wire encoding. If the target is an Interest,
* then append a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, compute an HmacWithSha256
* signature for the name components and append a final name component with the
* signature bits.
* @param {Blob} key The key for the HmacWithSha256.
* param {Name} keyName (needed if target is an Interest) The name of the key
* for the KeyLocator in the SignatureInfo which is added to the Interest name.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the target. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
KeyChain.signWithHmacWithSha256 = function(target, key, keyName, wireFormat)
if (keyName instanceof WireFormat) {
// The keyName is omitted, so shift arguments.
wireFormat = keyName;
keyName = undefined;
wireFormat = (wireFormat || WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat());
if (target instanceof Data) {
var data = target;
// Encode once to get the signed portion.
var encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat);
var signer = Crypto.createHmac('sha256', key.buf());
new Blob(signer.digest(), false));
else if (target instanceof Interest) {
var interest = target;
if (keyName == null)
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("signWithHmacWithSha256: keyName is required to sign an Interest"));
var signature = new HmacWithSha256Signature();
// Append the encoded SignatureInfo.
// Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
interest.getName().append(new Name.Component());
// Encode once to get the signed portion.
var encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat);
var signer = Crypto.createHmac('sha256', key.buf());
signature.setSignature(new Blob(signer.digest(), false));
// Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
throw new SecurityException(new Error
("signWithHmacWithSha256: Unrecognized target type"));
* Compute a new HmacWithSha256 for the target and verify it against the
* signature value.
* Note: This method is an experimental feature. The API may change.
* @param {Data} data The Data object to verify.
* @param {Blob} key The key for the HmacWithSha256.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @return {boolean} True if the signature verifies, otherwise false.
KeyChain.verifyDataWithHmacWithSha256 = function(data, key, wireFormat)
wireFormat = (wireFormat || WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat());
// wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
var encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat);
var signer = Crypto.createHmac('sha256', key.buf());
var newSignatureBits = new Blob(signer.digest(), false);
// Use the flexible Blob.equals operator.
return newSignatureBits.equals(data.getSignature().getSignature());
* Compute a new HmacWithSha256 for all but the final name component and verify
* it against the signature value in the final name component.
* Note: This method is an experimental feature. The API may change.
* @param {Interest} interest The Interest object to verify.
* @param {Blob} key The key for the HmacWithSha256.
* @param {WireFormat} wireFormat (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
* the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
* @return {boolean} True if the signature verifies, otherwise false.
KeyChain.verifyInterestWithHmacWithSha256 = function(interest, key, wireFormat)
wireFormat = (wireFormat || WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat());
// Decode the last two name components of the signed interest.
var signature = wireFormat.decodeSignatureInfoAndValue
// wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
var encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat);
var signer = Crypto.createHmac('sha256', key.buf());
var newSignatureBits = new Blob(signer.digest(), false);
// Use the flexible Blob.equals operator.
return newSignatureBits.equals(signature.getSignature());
KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams = function() { return KeyChain.defaultKeyParams_; };
* @deprecated Use getDefaultKeyParams().
KeyChain.DEFAULT_KEY_PARAMS = new RsaKeyParams();
// Private security v2 methods
* Get the PIB factories map. On the first call, this initializes the map with
* factories for standard PibImpl implementations.
* @return {object} A map where the key is the scheme string and the value is a
* function makePibImpl(location) which takes a string location and returns a
* new PibImpl object.
KeyChain.getPibFactories_ = function()
if (KeyChain.pibFactories_ == null) {
KeyChain.pibFactories_ = {};
// Add the standard factories.
if (PibSqlite3)
// PibSqlite3 is defined for Node.js .
KeyChain.pibFactories_[PibSqlite3.getScheme()] =
function(location) { return new PibSqlite3(location); };
KeyChain.pibFactories_[PibMemory.getScheme()] =
function(location) { return new PibMemory(); };
return KeyChain.pibFactories_;
* Get the TPM factories map. On the first call, this initializes the map with
* factories for standard TpmBackEnd implementations.
* @return {object} A map where the key is the scheme string and the value is a
* function makeTpmBackEnd(location) which takes a string location and returns a
* new TpmBackEnd object.
KeyChain.getTpmFactories_ = function()
if (KeyChain.tpmFactories_ == null) {
KeyChain.tpmFactories_ = {};
// Add the standard factories.
if (TpmBackEndFile)
// TpmBackEndFile is defined for Node.js .
KeyChain.tpmFactories_[TpmBackEndFile.getScheme()] =
function(location) { return new TpmBackEndFile(location); };
KeyChain.tpmFactories_[TpmBackEndMemory.getScheme()] =
function(location) { return new TpmBackEndMemory(); };
return KeyChain.tpmFactories_;
* Parse the uri and set the scheme and location.
* @param {string} uri The URI to parse.
* @param {Array<string>} scheme Set scheme[0] to the scheme.
* @param {Array<string>} location Set location[0] to the location.
KeyChain.parseLocatorUri_ = function(uri, scheme, location)
iColon = uri.indexOf(':');
if (iColon >= 0) {
scheme[0] = uri.substring(0, iColon);
location[0] = uri.substring(iColon + 1);
else {
scheme[0] = uri;
location[0] = "";
* Parse the pibLocator and set the pibScheme and pibLocation.
* @param {string} pibLocator The PIB locator to parse.
* @param {Array<string>} pibScheme Set pibScheme[0] to the PIB scheme.
* @param {Array<string>} pibLocation Set pibLocation[0] to the PIB location.
KeyChain.parseAndCheckPibLocator_ = function(pibLocator, pibScheme, pibLocation)
KeyChain.parseLocatorUri_(pibLocator, pibScheme, pibLocation);
if (pibScheme[0] == "")
pibScheme[0] = KeyChain.getDefaultPibScheme_();
if (KeyChain.getPibFactories_()[pibScheme[0]] == undefined)
throw new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("PIB scheme `" + pibScheme[0] + "` is not supported"));
* Parse the tpmLocator and set the tpmScheme and tpmLocation.
* @param {string} tpmLocator The TPM locator to parse.
* @param {Array<string>} tpmScheme Set tpmScheme[0] to the TPM scheme.
* @param {Array<string>} tpmLocation Set tpmLocation[0] to the TPM location.
KeyChain.parseAndCheckTpmLocator_ = function(tpmLocator, tpmScheme, tpmLocation)
KeyChain.parseLocatorUri_(tpmLocator, tpmScheme, tpmLocation);
if (tpmScheme[0] == "")
tpmScheme[0] = KeyChain.getDefaultTpmScheme_();
if (KeyChain.getTpmFactories_()[tpmScheme[0]] == undefined)
throw new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("TPM scheme `" + tpmScheme[0] + "` is not supported"));
* @return {string}
KeyChain.getDefaultPibScheme_ = function() { return PibSqlite3.getScheme(); };
* @return {string}
KeyChain.getDefaultTpmScheme_ = function()
// Assume we are in Node.js, so check the system.
if (process.platform === "darwin")
throw new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("TpmBackEndOsx is not implemented. You must use tpm-file."));
return TpmBackEndFile.getScheme();
* Create a Pib according to the pibLocator.
* @param {string} pibLocator The PIB locator, e.g., "pib-sqlite3:/example/dir".
* @return {Pib} A new Pib object.
KeyChain.createPib_ = function(pibLocator)
var pibScheme = [null];
var pibLocation = [null];
KeyChain.parseAndCheckPibLocator_(pibLocator, pibScheme, pibLocation);
var pibFactory = KeyChain.getPibFactories_()[pibScheme[0]];
return new Pib(pibScheme[0], pibLocation[0], pibFactory(pibLocation[0]));
* Set up tpm according to the tpmLocator. This is called by
* Pib.initializePromise_ after determining the correct tpmLocator.
* @param {Tpm} tpm The Tpm to set up.
* @param {string} tpmLocator The TPM locator, e.g., "tpm-memory:".
* @return {Tpm} A new Tpm object.
KeyChain.setUpTpm_ = function(tpm, tpmLocator)
var tpmScheme = [null];
var tpmLocation = [null];
KeyChain.parseAndCheckTpmLocator_(tpmLocator, tpmScheme, tpmLocation);
var tpmFactory = KeyChain.getTpmFactories_()[tpmScheme[0]];
tpm.scheme_ = tpmScheme[0];
tpm.location_ = tpmLocation[0];
tpm.backEnd_ = tpmFactory(tpmLocation[0]);
* @param {ConfigFile} config
* @return {string}
KeyChain.getDefaultPibLocator_ = function(config)
if (KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_ != null)
return KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_;
var clientPib = process.env.NDN_CLIENT_PIB;
if (clientPib != undefined && clientPib != "")
KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_ = clientPib;
KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_ = config.get
("pib", KeyChain.getDefaultPibScheme_() + ":");
return KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_;
* @param {ConfigFile} config
* @return {string}
KeyChain.getDefaultTpmLocator_ = function(config)
if (KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_ != null)
return KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_;
var clientTpm = process.env.NDN_CLIENT_TPM;
if (clientTpm != undefined && clientTpm != "")
KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_ = clientTpm;
KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_ = config.get
("tpm", KeyChain.getDefaultTpmScheme_() + ":");
return KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_;
* Prepare a Signature object according to signingInfo and get the signing key
* name.
* @param {SigningInfo} params The signing parameters.
* @param {Array<Name>} keyName Set keyName[0] to the signing key name.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise which returns a new Signature object
* with the SignatureInfo, or a promise rejected with InvalidSigningInfoError
* when the requested signing method cannot be satisfied.
KeyChain.prototype.prepareSignatureInfoPromise_ = function
(params, keyName, useSync)
var identity = null;
var key = null;
var thisKeyChain = this;
return SyncPromise.resolve()
.then(function() {
if (params.getSignerType() == SigningInfo.SignerType.NULL) {
return thisKeyChain.pib_.getDefaultIdentityPromise(useSync)
.then(function(localIdentity) {
identity = localIdentity;
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
}, function(err) {
// There is no default identity, so use sha256 for signing.
keyName[0] = SigningInfo.getDigestSha256Identity();
return SyncPromise.resolve(new DigestSha256Signature());
else if (params.getSignerType() == SigningInfo.SignerType.ID) {
identity = params.getPibIdentity();
if (identity == null) {
return thisKeyChain.pib_.getIdentityPromise(params.getSignerName(), useSync)
.then(function(localIdentity) {
identity = localIdentity;
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
}, function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Signing identity `" + params.getSignerName().toUri() +
"` does not exist")));
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
else if (params.getSignerType() == SigningInfo.SignerType.KEY) {
key = params.getPibKey();
if (key == null) {
identityName = PibKey.extractIdentityFromKeyName(
return thisKeyChain.pib_.getIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync)
.then(function(localIdentity) {
return localIdentity.getKeyPromise(params.getSignerName(), useSync)
.then(function(localKey) {
key = localKey;
// We will use the PIB key instance, so reset the identity.
identity = null;
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
}, function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Signing key `" + params.getSignerName().toUri() +
"` does not exist")));
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
else if (params.getSignerType() == SigningInfo.SignerType.CERT) {
var identityName = CertificateV2.extractIdentityFromCertName
return thisKeyChain.pib_.getIdentityPromise(identityName, useSync)
.then(function(localIdentity) {
identity = localIdentity;
return identity.getKeyPromise
(CertificateV2.extractKeyNameFromCertName(params.getSignerName()), useSync)
.then(function(localKey) {
key = localKey;
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
}, function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Signing certificate `" + params.getSignerName().toUri() +
"` does not exist")));
else if (params.getSignerType() == SigningInfo.SignerType.SHA256) {
keyName[0] = SigningInfo.getDigestSha256Identity();
return SyncPromise.resolve(new DigestSha256Signature());
// We don't expect this to happen.
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Unrecognized signer type")));
.then(function(signingInfo) {
if (signingInfo != null)
// We already have the result (a DigestSha256Signature).
return SyncPromise.resolve(signingInfo);
else {
if (identity == null && key == null)
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Cannot determine signing parameters")));
return SyncPromise.resolve()
.then(function() {
if (identity != null && key == null) {
return identity.getDefaultKeyPromise(useSync)
.then(function(localKey) {
key = localKey;
return SyncPromise.resolve(null);
}, function(err) {
return SyncPromise.reject(new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error
("Signing identity `" + identity.getName().toUri() +
"` does not have default certificate")));
return SyncPromise.resolve();
.then(function() {
if (key.getKeyType() == KeyType.RSA &&
params.getDigestAlgorithm() == DigestAlgorithm.SHA256)
signatureInfo = new Sha256WithRsaSignature();
else if (key.getKeyType() == KeyType.EC &&
params.getDigestAlgorithm() == DigestAlgorithm.SHA256)
signatureInfo = new Sha256WithEcdsaSignature()
return SyncPromise.reject(new KeyChain.Error(new Error
("Unsupported key type")));
if (params.getValidityPeriod().hasPeriod() &&
// Set the ValidityPeriod from the SigningInfo params.
var keyLocator = KeyLocator.getFromSignature(signatureInfo);
keyName[0] = key.getName();
return SyncPromise.resolve(signatureInfo);
* Sign the byte buffer using the key with name keyName.
* @param {Buffer} buffer The input byte buffer.
* @param {Name} keyName The name of the key.
* @param {number} digestAlgorithm The digest algorithm as an int from the
* DigestAlgorithm enum.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise which returns the signature Blob (or
* an isNull Blob if the key does not exist), or a promise rejected
* with TpmBackEnd.Error for an error in signing.
KeyChain.prototype.signBufferPromise_ = function
(buffer, keyName, digestAlgorithm, useSync)
if (keyName.equals(SigningInfo.getDigestSha256Identity())) {
var hash = Crypto.createHash('sha256');
return SyncPromise.resolve(new Blob(hash.digest(), false));
return this.tpm_.signPromise(buffer, keyName, digestAlgorithm, useSync);
// Private security v1 methods
KeyChain.prototype.onCertificateData = function(interest, data, nextStep)
// Try to verify the certificate (data) according to the parameters in nextStep.
(data, nextStep.onVerified, nextStep.onValidationFailed, nextStep.stepCount);
KeyChain.prototype.onCertificateInterestTimeout = function
(interest, retry, onValidationFailed, originalDataOrInterest, nextStep)
if (retry > 0) {
// Issue the same expressInterest as in verifyData except decrement retry.
var thisKeyChain = this;
function(callbackInterest, callbackData) {
thisKeyChain.onCertificateData(callbackInterest, callbackData, nextStep);
function(callbackInterest) {
(callbackInterest, retry - 1, onValidationFailed,
originalDataOrInterest, nextStep);
else {
try {
(originalDataOrInterest, "The retry count is zero after timeout for fetching " +
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onValidationFailed: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
* Get the default certificate from the identity storage and return its name.
* If there is no default identity or default certificate, then create one.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that returns the default certificate
* name.
KeyChain.prototype.prepareDefaultCertificateNamePromise_ = function(useSync)
var signingCertificate;
var thisKeyChain = this;
return this.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificatePromise(useSync)
.then(function(localCertificate) {
signingCertificate = localCertificate;
if (signingCertificate != null)
return SyncPromise.resolve();
// Set the default certificate and get the certificate again.
return thisKeyChain.setDefaultCertificatePromise_(useSync)
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificatePromise(useSync);
.then(function(localCertificate) {
signingCertificate = localCertificate;
return SyncPromise.resolve();
.then(function() {
return SyncPromise.resolve(signingCertificate.getName());
* Create the default certificate if it is not initialized. If there is no
* default identity yet, creating a new tmp-identity.
* @param {boolean} useSync (optional) If true then return a SyncPromise which
* is already fulfilled. If omitted or false, this may return a SyncPromise or
* an async Promise.
* @return {Promise|SyncPromise} A promise that resolves when the default
* certificate is set.
KeyChain.prototype.setDefaultCertificatePromise_ = function(useSync)
var thisKeyChain = this;
return this.identityManager_.getDefaultCertificatePromise(useSync)
.then(function(certificate) {
if (certificate != null)
// We already have a default certificate.
return SyncPromise.resolve();
var defaultIdentity;
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.getDefaultIdentityPromise(useSync)
.then(function(localDefaultIdentity) {
defaultIdentity = localDefaultIdentity;
return SyncPromise.resolve();
}, function(ex) {
// Create a default identity name.
randomComponent = Crypto.randomBytes(4);
defaultIdentity = new Name().append("tmp-identity")
.append(new Blob(randomComponent, false));
return SyncPromise.resolve();
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.createIdentityAndCertificatePromise
(defaultIdentity, KeyChain.getDefaultKeyParams(), useSync);
.then(function() {
return thisKeyChain.identityManager_.setDefaultIdentityPromise
(defaultIdentity, useSync);
KeyChain.defaultPibLocator_ = null // string
KeyChain.defaultTpmLocator_ = null // string
KeyChain.pibFactories_ = null // string => MakePibImpl
KeyChain.tpmFactories_ = null // string => MakeTpmBackEnd
KeyChain.defaultSigningInfo_ = new SigningInfo();
KeyChain.defaultKeyParams_ = new RsaKeyParams();
* Create an InvalidSigningInfoError which extends KeyChain.Error to indicate
* that the supplied SigningInfo is invalid.
* Call with: throw new InvalidSigningInfoError(new Error("message")).
* @param {Error} error The exception created with new Error.
* @constructor
var InvalidSigningInfoError = function InvalidSigningInfoError(error)
// Call the base constructor.
KeyChain.Error.call(this, error);
InvalidSigningInfoError.prototype = new KeyChain.Error();
InvalidSigningInfoError.prototype.name = "InvalidSigningInfoError";
exports.InvalidSigningInfoError = InvalidSigningInfoError;
exports.InvalidSigningInfoError = InvalidSigningInfoError;
* Create a LocatorMismatchError which extends KeyChain.Error to indicate that
* the supplied TPM locator does not match the locator stored in the PIB.
* Call with: throw new LocatorMismatchError(new Error("message")).
* @param {Error} error The exception created with new Error.
* @constructor
var LocatorMismatchError = function LocatorMismatchError(error)
// Call the base constructor.
KeyChain.Error.call(this, error);
LocatorMismatchError.prototype = new KeyChain.Error();
LocatorMismatchError.prototype.name = "LocatorMismatchError";
exports.LocatorMismatchError = LocatorMismatchError;
// Put these last to avoid a require loop.
/** @ignore */
var Pib = require('./pib/pib.js').Pib; /** @ignore */
var PibImpl = require('./pib/pib-impl.js').PibImpl; /** @ignore */
var PibKey = require('./pib/pib-key.js').PibKey; /** @ignore */
var PibSqlite3 = require('./pib/pib-sqlite3.js').PibSqlite3; /** @ignore */
var PibMemory = require('./pib/pib-memory.js').PibMemory;