* Copyright (C) 2018 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu>
* @author: From ndn-cxx security https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx/blob/master/src/security/v2/validator-config/checker.cpp
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.
/** @ignore */
var Name = require('../../../name.js').Name; /** @ignore */
var PibKey = require('../../pib/pib-key.js').PibKey; /** @ignore */
var ValidationError = require('../validation-error.js').ValidationError; /** @ignore */
var ConfigNameRelation = require('./config-name-relation.js').ConfigNameRelation; /** @ignore */
var NdnRegexTopMatcher = require('../../../util/regex/ndn-regex-top-matcher.js').NdnRegexTopMatcher; /** @ignore */
var ValidatorConfigError = require('../../validator-config-error.js').ValidatorConfigError;
* A ConfigChecker is an abstract base class for ConfigNameRelationChecker, etc.
* used by ValidatorConfig to check if a packet name and KeyLocator satisfy the
* conditions in a configuration section.
* @constructor
var ConfigChecker = function ConfigChecker()
exports.ConfigChecker = ConfigChecker;
* Check if the packet name ane KeyLocator name satisfy this checker's
* conditions.
* @param {boolean} isForInterest True if packetName is for an Interest, false
* if for a Data packet.
* @param {Name} packetName The packet name. For a signed interest, the last two
* components are skipped but not removed.
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName The KeyLocator's name.
* @param {ValidationState} state This calls state.fail() if the packet is
* invalid.
* @return {boolean} True if further signature verification is needed, or false
* if the packet is immediately determined to be invalid in which case this
* calls state.fail() with the proper code and message.
ConfigChecker.prototype.check = function
(isForInterest, packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
if (isForInterest) {
var signedInterestMinSize = 2;
if (packetName.size() < signedInterestMinSize)
return false;
return this.checkNames
(packetName.getPrefix(-signedInterestMinSize), keyLocatorName, state);
return this.checkNames(packetName, keyLocatorName, state);
* Create a checker from the configuration section.
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection The section containing the definition of
* the checker, e.g. one of "validation.rule.checker".
* @return {ConfigChecker} A new checker created from the configuration section.
ConfigChecker.create = function(configSection)
// Get checker.type.
var checkerType = configSection.getFirstValue("type");
if (checkerType == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error("Expected <checker.type>"));
if (checkerType.toLowerCase() == "customized")
return ConfigChecker.createCustomizedChecker_(configSection);
else if (checkerType.toLowerCase() == "hierarchical")
return ConfigChecker.createHierarchicalChecker_(configSection);
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Unsupported checker type: " + checkerType));
* Check if the packet name ane KeyLocator name satisfy this checker's
* conditions.
* @param {Name} packetName The packet name, which is already stripped of
* signature components if this is a signed Interest name.
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName The KeyLocator's name.
* @param {ValidationState} state This calls state.fail() if the packet is
* invalid.
* @return {boolean} True if further signature verification is needed, or false
* if the packet is immediately determined to be invalid in which case this
* calls state.fail() with the proper code and message.
ConfigChecker.prototype.checkNames = function
(packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
throw new Error("ConfigChecker.checkNames is not implemented");
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection
* @return {ConfigChecker}
ConfigChecker.createCustomizedChecker_ = function( configSection)
// Ignore sig-type.
// Get checker.key-locator .
keyLocatorSection = configSection.get("key-locator");
if (keyLocatorSection.length != 1)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error("Expected one <checker.key-locator>"));
return ConfigChecker.createKeyLocatorChecker_(keyLocatorSection[0]);
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection
* @return {ConfigChecker}
ConfigChecker.createHierarchicalChecker_ = function(configSection)
// Ignore sig-type.
return new ConfigHyperRelationChecker
("^(<>*)$", "\\1",
"^(<>*)<KEY><>$", "\\1",
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection
* @return {ConfigChecker}
ConfigChecker.createKeyLocatorChecker_ = function(configSection)
// Get checker.key-locator.type .
var keyLocatorType = configSection.getFirstValue("type");
if (keyLocatorType == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error("Expected <checker.key-locator.type>"));
if (keyLocatorType.toLowerCase() == "name")
return ConfigChecker.createKeyLocatorNameChecker_(configSection);
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Unsupported checker.key-locator.type: " + keyLocatorType));
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection
* @return {ConfigChecker}
ConfigChecker.createKeyLocatorNameChecker_ = function(configSection)
var nameUri = configSection.getFirstValue("name");
if (nameUri != null) {
var name = new Name(nameUri);
var relationValue = configSection.getFirstValue("relation");
if (relationValue == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.relation>"));
relation = ConfigNameRelation.getNameRelationFromString(relationValue);
return new ConfigNameRelationChecker(name, relation);
var regexString = configSection.getFirstValue("regex");
if (regexString != null) {
try {
return new ConfigRegexChecker(regexString);
catch (ex) {
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Invalid checker.key-locator.regex: " + regexString));
var hyperRelationList = configSection.get("hyper-relation");
if (hyperRelationList.length == 1) {
var hyperRelation = hyperRelationList[0];
// Get k-regex.
var keyRegex = hyperRelation.getFirstValue("k-regex");
if (keyRegex == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.hyper-relation.k-regex>"));
// Get k-expand.
var keyExpansion = hyperRelation.getFirstValue("k-expand");
if (keyExpansion == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.hyper-relation.k-expand"));
// Get h-relation.
var hyperRelationString = hyperRelation.getFirstValue("h-relation");
if (hyperRelationString == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.hyper-relation.h-relation>"));
// Get p-regex.
var packetNameRegex = hyperRelation.getFirstValue("p-regex");
if (packetNameRegex == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.hyper-relation.p-regex>"));
// Get p-expand.
var packetNameExpansion = hyperRelation.getFirstValue("p-expand");
if (packetNameExpansion == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expected <checker.key-locator.hyper-relation.p-expand>"));
var relation =
try {
return new ConfigHyperRelationChecker
(packetNameRegex, packetNameExpansion, keyRegex, keyExpansion, relation);
catch (ex) {
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Invalid regex for key-locator.hyper-relation"));
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error("Unsupported checker.key-locator"));
* ConfigNameRelationChecker extends ConfigChecker.
* @param {Name} name
* @param {number} relation The value for the ConfigNameRelation.Relation enum.
* @constructor
var ConfigNameRelationChecker = function ConfigNameRelationChecker(name, relation)
// Call the base constructor.
this.name_ = name;
this.relation_ = relation;
ConfigNameRelationChecker.prototype = new ConfigChecker();
ConfigNameRelationChecker.prototype.name = "ConfigNameRelationChecker";
exports.ConfigNameRelationChecker = ConfigNameRelationChecker;
* @param {Name} packetName
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName
* @param {ValidationState} state
* @return {boolean}
ConfigNameRelationChecker.prototype.checkNames = function
(packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
// packetName is not used in this check.
var identity = PibKey.extractIdentityFromKeyName(keyLocatorName);
var result = ConfigNameRelation.checkNameRelation
(this.relation_, this.name_, identity);
if (!result)
state.fail(new ValidationError(ValidationError.POLICY_ERROR,
"KeyLocator check failed: name relation " + this.name_.toUri() + " " +
ConfigNameRelation.toString(this.relation_) + " for packet " +
packetName.toUri() + " is invalid (KeyLocator=" +
keyLocatorName.toUri() + ", identity=" + identity.toUri() + ")"));
return result;
* ConfigRegexChecker extends ConfigChecker.
* @param {String} regexString
* @constructor
var ConfigRegexChecker = function ConfigRegexChecker(regexString)
// Call the base constructor.
this.regex_ = new NdnRegexTopMatcher(regexString);
ConfigRegexChecker.prototype = new ConfigChecker();
ConfigRegexChecker.prototype.name = "ConfigRegexChecker";
exports.ConfigRegexChecker = ConfigRegexChecker;
* @param {Name} packetName
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName
* @param {ValidationState} state
* @return {boolean}
ConfigRegexChecker.prototype.checkNames = function
(packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
var result = this.regex_.match(keyLocatorName);
if (!result)
state.fail(new ValidationError(ValidationError.POLICY_ERROR,
"KeyLocator check failed: regex " + this.regex_.getExpr() + " for packet " +
packetName.toUri() + " is invalid (KeyLocator=" + keyLocatorName.toUri() +
return result;
* ConfigHyperRelationChecker extends ConfigChecker.
* @param {String} packetNameRegexString
* @param {String} packetNameExpansion
* @param {String} keyNameRegexString
* @param {String} keyNameExpansion
* @param {number} hyperRelation The value for the ConfigNameRelation.Relation enum.
* @constructor
var ConfigHyperRelationChecker = function ConfigHyperRelationChecker
(packetNameRegexString, packetNameExpansion, keyNameRegexString,
keyNameExpansion, hyperRelation)
// Call the base constructor.
this.packetNameRegex_ = new NdnRegexTopMatcher(packetNameRegexString);
this.packetNameExpansion_ = packetNameExpansion;
this.keyNameRegex_ = new NdnRegexTopMatcher(keyNameRegexString);
this.keyNameExpansion_ = keyNameExpansion;
this.hyperRelation_ = hyperRelation;
ConfigHyperRelationChecker.prototype = new ConfigChecker();
ConfigHyperRelationChecker.prototype.name = "ConfigHyperRelationChecker";
exports.ConfigHyperRelationChecker = ConfigHyperRelationChecker;
* @param {Name} packetName
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName
* @param {ValidationState} state
* @return {boolean}
ConfigHyperRelationChecker.prototype.checkNames = function
(packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
if (!this.packetNameRegex_.match(packetName)) {
state.fail(new ValidationError(ValidationError.POLICY_ERROR,
"The packet " + packetName.toUri() + " (KeyLocator=" +
keyLocatorName.toUri() +
") does not match the hyper relation packet name regex " +
return false;
if (!this.keyNameRegex_.match(keyLocatorName)) {
state.fail(new ValidationError(ValidationError.POLICY_ERROR,
"The packet " + packetName.toUri() + " (KeyLocator=" +
keyLocatorName.toUri() +
") does not match the hyper relation key name regex " +
return false;
var keyNameMatchExpansion = this.keyNameRegex_.expand(this.keyNameExpansion_);
var packetNameMatchExpansion =
var result = ConfigNameRelation.checkNameRelation
(this.hyperRelation_, keyNameMatchExpansion, packetNameMatchExpansion);
if (!result)
state.fail(new ValidationError(ValidationError.POLICY_ERROR,
"KeyLocator check failed: hyper relation " +
ConfigNameRelation.toString(this.hyperRelation_) + " packet name match=" +
packetNameMatchExpansion.toUri() + ", key name match=" +
keyNameMatchExpansion.toUri() + " of packet " + packetName.toUri() +
" (KeyLocator=" + keyLocatorName.toUri() + ") is invalid"));
return result;