* Copyright (C) 2018 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu>
* @author: From ndn-cxx security https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx/blob/master/src/security/v2/validator-config/rule.cpp
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.
/** @ignore */
var ConfigChecker = require('./config-checker.js').ConfigChecker; /** @ignore */
var ConfigFilter = require('./config-filter.js').ConfigFilter; /** @ignore */
var ValidatorConfigError = require('../../validator-config-error.js').ValidatorConfigError; /** @ignore */
var LOG = require('../../../log.js').Log.LOG;
* A ConfigRule represents a rule configuration section, used by ConfigValidator.
* Create a ConfigRule with empty filters and checkers.
* @param {String} id The rule ID from the configuration section.
* @param {boolean} isForInterest True if the rule is for an Interest packet,
* false if it is for a Data packet.
* @constructor
var ConfigRule = function ConfigRule(id, isForInterest)
this.id_ = id;
this.isForInterest_ = isForInterest;
this.filters_ = []; // of ConfigFilter
this.checkers_ = []; // of ConfigChecker
exports.ConfigRule = ConfigRule;
* Get the rule ID.
* @return {String} The rule ID.
ConfigRule.prototype.getId = function() { return this.id_; };
* Get the isForInterest flag.
* @return {boolean} True if the rule is for an Interest packet, false if it is
* for a Data packet.
ConfigRule.prototype.getIsForInterest = function() { return this.isForInterest_; };
* Add the ConfigFilter to the list of filters.
* @param {ConfigFilter} filter The ConfigFilter.
ConfigRule.prototype.addFilter = function(filter)
* Add the ConfigChecker to the list of checkers.
* @param {ConfigChecker} checker The ConfigChecker.
ConfigRule.prototype.addChecker = function(checker)
* Check if the packet name matches the rule's filter.
* If no filters were added, the rule matches everything.
* @param {boolean} isForInterest True if packetName is for an Interest, false
* if for a Data packet.
* @param {Name} packetName The packet name. For a signed interest, the last two
* components are skipped but not removed.
* @return {boolean} True if at least one filter matches the packet name, false
* if none of the filters match the packet name.
* @throws ValidatorConfigError if the supplied isForInterest doesn't match the
* one for which the rule is designed.
ConfigRule.prototype.match = function(isForInterest, packetName)
if (LOG > 3) console.log("Trying to match " + packetName.toUri());
if (isForInterest != this.isForInterest_)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Invalid packet type supplied ( " +
(isForInterest ? "interest" : "data") + " != " +
(this.isForInterest_ ? "interest" : "data") + ")"));
if (this.filters_.length == 0)
return true;
var result = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.filters_.length; ++i) {
result = (result || this.filters_[i].match(isForInterest, packetName));
if (result)
return result;
* Check if the packet satisfies the rule's condition.
* @param {boolean} isForInterest True if packetName is for an Interest, false
* if for a Data packet.
* @param {Name} packetName The packet name. For a signed interest, the last two
* components are skipped but not removed.
* @param {Name} keyLocatorName The KeyLocator's name.
* @param {ValidationState} state This calls state.fail() if the packet is invalid.
* @return {boolean} True if further signature verification is needed, or false
* if the packet is immediately determined to be invalid in which case this
* calls state.fail() with the proper code and message.
* @throws ValidatorConfigError if the supplied isForInterest doesn't match the
* one for which the rule is designed.
ConfigRule.prototype.check = function
(isForInterest, packetName, keyLocatorName, state)
if (LOG > 3) console.log("Trying to check " + packetName.toUri() +
" with keyLocator " +keyLocatorName.toUri());
if (isForInterest != this.isForInterest_)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Invalid packet type supplied ( " +
(isForInterest ? "interest" : "data") + " != " +
(this.isForInterest_ ? "interest" : "data") + ")"));
var hasPendingResult = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.checkers_.length; ++i) {
var result = this.checkers_[i].check
(isForInterest, packetName, keyLocatorName, state);
if (!result)
return result;
hasPendingResult = true;
return hasPendingResult;
* Create a rule from configuration section.
* @param {BoostInfoTree} configSection The section containing the definition of
* the checker, e.g. one of "validator.rule".
* @return {ConfigRule} A new ConfigRule created from the configuration
ConfigRule.create = function(configSection)
// Get rule.id .
var ruleId = configSection.getFirstValue("id");
if (ruleId == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error("Expecting <rule.id>"));
// Get rule.for .
var usage = configSection.getFirstValue("for");
if (usage == null)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Expecting <rule.for> in rule: " + ruleId));
var isForInterest;
if (usage.toLowerCase() == "data")
isForInterest = false;
else if (usage.toLowerCase() == "interest")
isForInterest = true;
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("Unrecognized <rule.for>: " + usage + " in rule: " + ruleId));
var rule = new ConfigRule(ruleId, isForInterest);
// Get rule.filter(s)
var filterList = configSection.get("filter");
for (var i = 0; i < filterList.length; ++i)
// Get rule.checker(s)
var checkerList = configSection.get("checker");
for (var i = 0; i < checkerList.length; ++i)
// Check other stuff.
if (checkerList.length == 0)
throw new ValidatorConfigError(new Error
("No <rule.checker> is specified in rule: " + ruleId));
return rule;