* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <jefft0@remap.ucla.edu>
* @author: From ndn-cxx util/segment-fetcher https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file COPYING.
/** @ignore */
var Interest = require('../interest.js').Interest; /** @ignore */
var Blob = require('./blob.js').Blob; /** @ignore */
var KeyChain = require('../security/key-chain.js').KeyChain; /** @ignore */
var NdnCommon = require('./ndn-common.js').NdnCommon;
* SegmentFetcher is a utility class to fetch the latest version of segmented data.
* SegmentFetcher assumes that the data is named /<prefix>/<version>/<segment>,
* where:
* - <prefix> is the specified name prefix,
* - <version> is an unknown version that needs to be discovered, and
* - <segment> is a segment number. (The number of segments is unknown and is
* controlled by the `FinalBlockId` field in at least the last Data packet.
* The following logic is implemented in SegmentFetcher:
* 1. Express the first Interest to discover the version:
* >> Interest: /<prefix>?ChildSelector=1&MustBeFresh=true
* 2. Infer the latest version of the Data: <version> = Data.getName().get(-2)
* 3. If the segment number in the retrieved packet == 0, go to step 5.
* 4. Send an Interest for segment 0:
* >> Interest: /<prefix>/<version>/<segment=0>
* 5. Keep sending Interests for the next segment while the retrieved Data does
* not have a FinalBlockId or the FinalBlockId != Data.getName().get(-1).
* >> Interest: /<prefix>/<version>/<segment=(N+1))>
* 6. Call the onComplete callback with a Blob that concatenates the content
* from all the segmented objects.
* If an error occurs during the fetching process, the onError callback is called
* with a proper error code. The following errors are possible:
* - `INTEREST_TIMEOUT`: if any of the Interests times out
* - `DATA_HAS_NO_SEGMENT`: if any of the retrieved Data packets don't have a segment
* as the last component of the name (not counting the implicit digest)
* - `SEGMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED`: if any retrieved segment fails
* the user-provided VerifySegment callback or KeyChain verifyData.
* - `IO_ERROR`: for I/O errors when sending an Interest.
* In order to validate individual segments, a KeyChain needs to be supplied.
* If verifyData fails, the fetching process is aborted with
* SEGMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED. If data validation is not required, pass null.
* Example:
* var onComplete = function(content) { ... }
* var onError = function(errorCode, message) { ... }
* var interest = new Interest(new Name("/data/prefix"));
* interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(1000);
* SegmentFetcher.fetch(face, interest, null, onComplete, onError);
* This is a private constructor to create a new SegmentFetcher to use the Face.
* An application should use SegmentFetcher.fetch. If validatorKeyChain is not
* null, use it and ignore verifySegment. After creating the SegmentFetcher,
* call fetchFirstSegment.
* @param {Face} face This calls face.expressInterest to fetch more segments.
* @param validatorKeyChain {KeyChain} If this is not null, use its verifyData
* instead of the verifySegment callback.
* @param {function} verifySegment When a Data packet is received this calls
* verifySegment(data) where data is a Data object. If it returns False then
* abort fetching and call onError with
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onComplete When all segments are received, call
* onComplete(content) where content is a Blob which has the concatenation of
* the content of all the segments.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError Call onError.onError(errorCode, message) for
* timeout or an error processing segments. errorCode is a value from
* SegmentFetcher.ErrorCode and message is a related string.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @constructor
var SegmentFetcher = function SegmentFetcher
(face, validatorKeyChain, verifySegment, onComplete, onError)
this.face = face;
this.validatorKeyChain = validatorKeyChain;
this.verifySegment = verifySegment;
this.onComplete = onComplete;
this.onError = onError;
this.contentParts = []; // of Buffer
exports.SegmentFetcher = SegmentFetcher;
* An ErrorCode value is passed in the onError callback.
SegmentFetcher.ErrorCode = {
* DontVerifySegment may be used in fetch to skip validation of Data packets.
SegmentFetcher.DontVerifySegment = function(data)
return true;
* Initiate segment fetching. For more details, see the documentation for the
* class. There are two forms of fetch:
* fetch(face, baseInterest, validatorKeyChain, onComplete, onError)
* and
* fetch(face, baseInterest, verifySegment, onComplete, onError)
* @param {Face} face This calls face.expressInterest to fetch more segments.
* @param {Interest} baseInterest An Interest for the initial segment of the
* requested data, where baseInterest.getName() has the name prefix. This
* interest may include a custom InterestLifetime and selectors that will
* propagate to all subsequent Interests. The only exception is that the initial
* Interest will be forced to include selectors "ChildSelector=1" and
* "MustBeFresh=true" which will be turned off in subsequent Interests.
* @param validatorKeyChain {KeyChain} When a Data packet is received this calls
* validatorKeyChain.verifyData(data). If validation fails then abortfetching
* and call onError with SEGMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED. This does not make a copy
* of the KeyChain; the object must remain valid while fetching.
* If validatorKeyChain is null, this does not validate the data packet.
* @param {function} verifySegment When a Data packet is received this calls
* verifySegment(data) where data is a Data object. If it returns False then
* abort fetching and call onError with
* SegmentFetcher.ErrorCode.SEGMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED. If data validation is
* not required, use SegmentFetcher.DontVerifySegment.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onComplete When all segments are received, call
* onComplete(content) where content is a Blob which has the concatenation of
* the content of all the segments.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
* @param {function} onError Call onError.onError(errorCode, message) for
* timeout or an error processing segments. errorCode is a value from
* SegmentFetcher.ErrorCode and message is a related string.
* NOTE: The library will log any exceptions thrown by this callback, but for
* better error handling the callback should catch and properly handle any
* exceptions.
SegmentFetcher.fetch = function
(face, baseInterest, validatorKeyChainOrVerifySegment, onComplete, onError)
if (validatorKeyChainOrVerifySegment == null ||
validatorKeyChainOrVerifySegment instanceof KeyChain)
new SegmentFetcher
(face, validatorKeyChainOrVerifySegment, SegmentFetcher.DontVerifySegment,
onComplete, onError)
new SegmentFetcher
(face, null, validatorKeyChainOrVerifySegment, onComplete, onError)
SegmentFetcher.prototype.fetchFirstSegment = function(baseInterest)
var interest = new Interest(baseInterest);
var thisSegmentFetcher = this;
function(originalInterest, data)
{ thisSegmentFetcher.onData(originalInterest, data); },
function(interest) { thisSegmentFetcher.onTimeout(interest); });
SegmentFetcher.prototype.fetchNextSegment = function
(originalInterest, dataName, segment)
// Start with the original Interest to preserve any special selectors.
var interest = new Interest(originalInterest);
// Changing a field clears the nonce so that the library will generate a new
// one.
var thisSegmentFetcher = this;
(interest, function(originalInterest, data)
{ thisSegmentFetcher.onData(originalInterest, data); },
function(interest) { thisSegmentFetcher.onTimeout(interest); });
SegmentFetcher.prototype.onData = function(originalInterest, data)
if (this.validatorKeyChain != null) {
try {
var thisSegmentFetcher = this;
function(localData) {
thisSegmentFetcher.onVerified(localData, originalInterest);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in KeyChain.verifyData: " + ex);
else {
if (!this.verifySegment(data)) {
try {
"Segment verification failed");
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
this.onVerified(data, originalInterest);
SegmentFetcher.prototype.onVerified = function(data, originalInterest)
if (!SegmentFetcher.endsWithSegmentNumber(data.getName())) {
// We don't expect a name without a segment number. Treat it as a bad packet.
try {
"Got an unexpected packet without a segment number: " +
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
else {
var currentSegment = 0;
try {
currentSegment = data.getName().get(-1).toSegment();
catch (ex) {
try {
"Error decoding the name segment number " +
data.getName().get(-1).toEscapedString() + ": " + ex);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
var expectedSegmentNumber = this.contentParts.length;
if (currentSegment != expectedSegmentNumber)
// Try again to get the expected segment. This also includes the case
// where the first segment is not segment 0.
(originalInterest, data.getName(), expectedSegmentNumber);
else {
// Save the content and check if we are finished.
if (data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().getValue().size() > 0) {
var finalSegmentNumber = 0;
try {
finalSegmentNumber = (data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().toSegment());
catch (ex) {
try {
"Error decoding the FinalBlockId segment number " +
data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().toEscapedString() +
": " + ex);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
if (currentSegment == finalSegmentNumber) {
// We are finished.
// Concatenate to get content.
var content = Buffer.concat(this.contentParts);
try {
this.onComplete(new Blob(content, false));
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onComplete: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
// Fetch the next segment.
(originalInterest, data.getName(), expectedSegmentNumber + 1);
SegmentFetcher.prototype.onValidationFailed = function(data, reason)
try {
"Segment verification failed for " + data.getName().toUri() +
" . Reason: " + reason);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
SegmentFetcher.prototype.onTimeout = function(interest)
try {
"Time out for interest " + interest.getName().toUri());
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error in onError: " + NdnCommon.getErrorWithStackTrace(ex));
* Check if the last component in the name is a segment number.
* @param {Name} name The name to check.
* @return {boolean} True if the name ends with a segment number, otherwise false.
SegmentFetcher.endsWithSegmentNumber = function(name)
return name.size() >= 1 && name.get(-1).isSegment();